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I guess when James took us to see Isaiah Bradley he hadn't planned on him and I getting arrested. Him for missing his appointment and me for fighting without the okay from Raynor. Sam and James were in an interrogation room with Raynor, doing what I could only imagine to be something reminiscent of a couple's therapy session. Just twenty times more childish and petty.

I had to wait until they were done for my turn.

I couldn't get Isaiah out of my mind. How he had been treated, how he had been used. I had no doubt in my mind the serum the Flag Smashers used came from his blood. I also had no doubt that the group didn't know it's origins. They probably didn't care.

I also couldn't keep calm. Walker had turned up, he had apparently broken both James and I out of our cells and organised to have one last session with Raynor so we could help with the Flag Smashers. I didn't trust him. I also didn't like the fact that he and Raynor knew each other. When he had talked to her, he had mentioned how James was an asset. Sure, he mentioned me as well, but he called me Empress.

How was I supposed to think I was useful without my powers when that is all people want from me?

My telekinesis.

I still couldn't believe he had generalised my power in such a way. I should have toyed with his genetics. Changed his eye colour maybe, made them brown instead of blue.

"Telekinesis." I whispered to myself in disbelief. I could manipulate anything on a molecular level, atomic if I focused enough. That made me more than just a telekinetic, but I guess to someone uneducated in the ways of superpowers... I could see how that could be misconstrued. Especially when all that has been seen of my power is tearing things apart.

Sam walked out first, possibly annoyed. Probably pissed.

"Are you alright?" I asked as he sat next to me.

"Yeah." He wasn't. "Do you understand why I gave up the shield?" He asked suddenly, it took me by surprise.

"Because it's a mantle that belonged to a white man for decades. America is a long way from being equal in regards to race and gender, especially at intersections of both. But I understand it was a tough decision for you, not that I could ever understand completely where it comes from." I replied.

"You understand the race thing though, don't you? I mean, I'm not saying you're not Russian but-"

"My father was Mexican, my mother was a Russian spy. I don't know much about them, I was taken away from my mother before I could even remember what her face looked like." Sam looked at me intently, he was listening. He wanted to know more. I hadn't really told anyone about my origins before...

"He... he worked for the Mexican government at the time. He had a lot of power, a lot of knowledge. My mother worked on gaining knowledge from anywhere, knowledge is power as Foucault theorised. They agreed to share secrets, then they shared more. My mother didn't know she was pregnant until she got back to Russia. They punished her for having me, then took me away and sent me to the Red Room when I was a toddler. I don't even know what their names are to try and find them." I told him, and while it didn't alleviate any pain on my end it was nice to have someone else know. "I guess that's a long-winded way of saying that I've gotten a few 'go back home' or 'climb back over the fence' comments in my time." I said, watching his face as he nodded slowly.

Empress ||Bucky Barnes||Where stories live. Discover now