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“We aren’t going to be able to do shit about Karli. Not until she surfaces again. I have no doubt that she will be going into deep hiding until she figures out her next move.” Ana said as we walked back to the hotel. After Zemo ran we took our stuff out and got a few rooms at a hotel. Sam had already run back to change and debrief with Torres to look for our next lead. We had gone back, changed and we had started stitching Ana up. After that was done we went for a walk outside, so she could get some fresh air.

“So you don’t think Torres will have anything?” I asked to clarify.

“I doubt it. Karli killed someone accidentally which lead to one of her own being killed not so accidentally. She has to think carefully about what her next step is going to be, she can’t fuck it up again.” She added, rubbing her forehead where there was already a bruise forming around the cuts. She winced and I had to keep myself from telling her that she should go to the hospital. It hadn’t gone down well the last few times.

“So... what do we do until then?” I asked. This was when I promised I would give her space, when we ran out of leads. I was hoping that she wouldn’t want that anymore.

“We go back to New York and wait. We can’t do anything until there’s something to do.” She said, looking up at me. Her brown eyes were catching the little sunlight that was left, making the colour golden. “Unless we go after Zemo.” If we went after Zemo then it meant I would be around her for a little bit longer. I wouldn’t have to be alone again just yet.

“Where do we start?”

“I don’t think we’ll need to hunt him down. I think I know where he is.” She said, turning away from me and continuing back to the hotel.

“Where?” I asked as I walked beside her.

“Do you remember what he asked us when we were going to his apartment the first time?”

“He asked if any of us had gone to the memorials.” I replied, she nodded.

“If I were him, I would be going to the memorial for my spouse and child. That’s where he is, surely.” She told me, I nodded. It made sense, and I believed she was right. That just meant that I wouldn’t be getting as much extra time as I had thought.

“I’ll let Ayo know.”

“I don’t know if I can go...” She trailed off. Shit. No.

“Why not?”

“Sokovia... the memorials...”

“It wasn’t your fault.” I told her once more, she rolled her eyes.

“I know that now, if Zemo doesn’t blame me then I guess I need to let it go.” She told me, I didn’t really know what to say. “But I don’t know if I can go back there yet, I’m not at peace with it.” I understood, but I was being selfish now. I didn’t want her to leave me yet. Even if it was just an extra day or two, I needed to at least try and convince her to come with me.

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