Ch. 1

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Just a quicky before I start. Thanks for reading, please don't be a silent reader!

Without adue, Please enjoy The Chosen... 

'Do you ever get that feeling that your life is about to drastically change? Of course you don't. Practically no one does. If we did we might do something to stop it. But who knows because maybe it's for the better, but what if it's for the worse? 

I wish I had known. That my life was about to change, that is. I say that but what would I have done? Nothing. I was going to come out of this alive, I know it. In that moment I had to think, the boy who had been tracking me from the bushes lunged. I saw a blur and then I was on my back, struggling to-'

"Time for dinner!" My dad calls to me, snapping me out of my comfort. I give a sigh and put my book down on a pillow and stand up. It was the climax! I walk down the long, familiar, 3rd-floor corridor. I run down the stairs, and into the dining room.

Sitting down in my regular seat, the family maids come and set dinner in front of us. Chicken in a light creamy sauce with asparagus. Heck yes, I've wanted this for weeks.

We have such a big house because my parents were planning on having many kids. Both of my parents came from very rich descent. My mom had about 3 miscarriages. My parents are only in their thirties, and adopted, me at sixteen.


 I can't even imagine having a kid now. I would never do that. It's like I was their own child. I was only a few weeks old after all. My parents still want to have kids though.

"Lily? How was your day at school today?" My mom asks.

"It was okay. I got an A on my calculus test..." I reply, trailing my voice off and looking down at my fidgeting finger on the placemat.

"That's my girl," my dad says with a smile. 

I never really liked school but my life revolved around making my parents proud.

I excuse myself from the table and walk to my room. It's on the second floor, at the very end with a thousand little pink and white hearts decorating the door. I walk in a flop down onto my bed. Looking over to my dresser, I notice an envelope lying on a silver tray.

I pick it up and find the Italian seal on it.

  Great I think, The Selection. 

Twenty so years ago, the Italians brought up the Illean tradition. 

I guess we changed it a bit though.

On January 1st 25 girls are taken to the palace, they have one week to get ready, and look presentable for the prince, then the completion starts than on January 1st, the next year the prince will announce on live TV who he will marry. The prince may propose before that, but it would have to be kept a secret between the selected and the royal family. None of the girls get sent home, they are just not allowed to compete anymore. If there was a family emergency the girl could choose to leave, but it wasn't necessary.

To be chosen would be the chance of a lifetime.

But I'm just Lily. An average girl, there's nothing special about me. 

Who could love me?

Update 8-23-16 Just a little notice, I wrote this when I was what 11 or 12? So it's obviously not the best. It really does get better and stuff like that. 

Maybe, try some of my other books. 

Highly recommended: ME+YOU: DO THE MATH


Update 2-8-17


If you are British, or live in England, and are interested in being an editor and proof reader, Please please please PM me. 

I'm in the drafting stages of writing a book where the main character is British (I myself am American) and I need help to get the cultural phrases right. If you PM me then we can discuss the rewards and stuff like that.

Please consider

Thanks, -Autumn

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