Ch. 17

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"Hannah!" I say hugging my new/old friend. Are we considered that?

"Well hello there to you too."

I gasp, "Why are you here?"

"My husband needed to meet with the king and your boyfriend." she said smiling.

"He is not my boyfriend!" I say gently slapping her arm.

A voice came out from behind us, "Then what am I?" Turning around to see Christian standing in the door way with Jason leaning against the wall behind him.

"Erm- I, just..." I stutter.

"Lily- like I did, is still getting over that fact that he is not only to date her, but several other girls at once, which is quite nerve racking," Hannah says coming to my rescue.

"Yeah, what she said," I say walking over to Christian and wrapping my arms around him.

"Darling, your presence is requested in the woman's room," he said to me after kissing my forehead.


"Happy Birthday Britney!" Lexi says as she hands her a present.

"Who is she?" Hannah whispers in my ear. I take her arm and bring her over to Sam and Loretta.

I laugh, she's in for a treat. 

"She is friends with Riley, who hates me... And my guts." I say as I sit down next to Sam.

"So a bitch?" I almost gasp at her choice of words. Edgy princess. "Oh, Riley sounds like the girl who knocked me out!" Hannah said with a laugh.

"What!" Loretta said, " I don't even know who you are, but someone knocked you out? On purpose?!" Hannah nodded.

"Oh! Girls, this is Hannah, she is the new princess of Illea." I say gesturing towards her.

"Nice to meet you." Sam said as she waved to Hannah.

"Girls, everyone! I have some important news!" Britney calls out to all of us in her high nasally voice.

"Last night the prince met me in the gardens and we had our third date!" She squealed. Sadly, it is true, I saw them before I went to bed. It has been a week since our last date in the theater.

"The details are not to be told yet, but it was amazing!" She squealed, as she flipped her auburn hair over her shoulder.

I can't believe my eyes. What's with everyone feeling the need to voice their private life to everyone?

Loretta places her hands around her mouth in a megaphone, and quietly whispers, "No one cares!" Britney couldn't hear and went around showing off her new dress to anyone who would listen. 

"Does she really think that having more dates with the prince will get her more popularity?" Hannah said with wide eyes.

Apparently, yes. 

"Right!" Sam exclaimed.

"How many dates have you had?" Hannah said is she fiddled with one of her bouncy curls.

"Two," Sam said quietly.

"Three!" Loretta proudly says.

"I-I've lost count..." I mumble right before taking a huge bite out of a pastry so I don't have to reply to any of their comments.



Looking over I see the queen ringing a tiny bell.

"Ladies, I'm sorry but Christian, my husband Brack, and the prince of Illea, will all be traveling to Illea for a week, Hannah, you are requested to leave with them today." I queen says standing up.

"Yes, thank you, your majesty," Hannah says as she starts to walk out of the room.

"Oh, Lily, you should come." she says beckoning for me to follow her out of the room.

"Bye girls, I'll see you later." I say turning to Sam and Loretta.

"Bye." they say in unison, smiling I turn to leave.

"So why did I need to leave with you?" I ask Hannah, giving me a sly smile and flipping her golden hair over her shoulder,


"Ugh," I groan in protest, "God, you and Christian just loooove to see me in suspense, don't you?" I drew out the 'O'. 

"It's what we live for,"

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