Ch. 11

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Riley walked into the woman's room with a very immodest dress, with a very low back and a slit on her leg. Her hair was also disheveled and she just collapsed into a chair smiling like an idiot.

"What happened!?!?" One of her friends named Lexi asked.

The only words she managed to get out were, "The prince... Is an amazing kisser."

I looked over to the queen but she had left the room so it was only us. I was and idiot, I was and idiot to even think he would like me, when we have only been on one date, and he has already kissed Riley. No, I will never like a guy whole kea someone like Riley.

"Lies," A voice whispers in my ear. I turn to see Loretta and Samantha. Once I turn to see them, they take my wrists and go into the hallway.

"How do you know?" I ask, "You can't be totally sure."

"No, but we were talking, and found out that Grace, the shy girl, just had a date with a prince, right before Riley came in." Loretta said.

"Poor Grace is still in her room crying because she cannot compete in the selection anymore." Sam piped up.

"On my way here, I have the room right next to hers to I heard her, and another girl came out of the room and explained what happened." Loretta finished for Sam.

"Do you think this whole thing was set up on Riley's behalf?" I asked.

The both nodded and I shrugged,

"Okay, but if you are wrong I'm going to be seriously mad." I say as I walk back into the room.

I see Riley and another girl Britney, talking and laughing. Looks like Riley made a new best friend.

Filler chapter! I just want to say this before someone starts to talk about it. yes I know I have little spelling and grammar errors. I'm in the process of going back and fixing them. If you could just bring some to my intention and not talk on and on about them, please? 'Cause we all know, not everyone is perfect. K?

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