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You might notice my creative title, well no, not really. I can't even believe that the first book is over.

The next book will be called,


So you know the first book is called The Chosen so I decided to call the second book,
The Chance!

I'm very excited, but finals are coming up, and I am a very good student, do I need to start studying.

Gosh, I seriously feel like Hermione Granger.

I will take a 3 day break and then I will be back to the regular update schedule, but updates won't be until later at night, California time.

I want to say thank you to my friends, and especially Kiera Cass, who is an amazing idol, to me, and everyone else who loves her books.

yabookaddiction kinda maybe inspired me to write this story! Thanks Sarah, you should check out her stories.

Also, JK Rowling, Veronica Roth, Susan Collins, Stephanie Meyer, and many other authors, they all mean the world to me, and I could not live in a world without their life changing books!

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