Ch. 3

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It has been a week since I put my name in the selection. A week of suffering while listening to girls gossip. A week of agony, waiting.  Tonight will be the night that Gabe Lowens will announce the selected girls. I sit on our 'L' shape couch, while mom and dad sit cuddled next to each other on the love seat. The Italian seal comes on the tv and then we see the royal family sitting next to Gabe. The queen Lauren, and the king, Brack. The prince, Christian, sitting next to his two younger siblings, the twins, Lacy, and Felix. 

The perfect family. All of them looked regal in their suits and gowns.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen! Tonight we are going to announce the 25 lucky girls that will be staying at the palace for a year to win the heart of prince Christian!" Gabe, the broadcaster/announcer for the royal family spoke into the microphone. He flashes his bright white teeth and puts on great performances. Maybe that's why everyone likes him so much. 

The names tick by and I only remember a few. I would hate to be that person. Up there. What if I said someone's name incorrectly?

"And now from New Verda," Gabe pauses and my ears prick up. It's not like I was really paying attention, "Lily Commings." 
I just stare at the tv, while my mom gasps and grins like a maniac. My parents are smiling, and it takes me a while to come to my senses, but I'm smiling too.

"What!?!? YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME! YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND YOU CAN NOT LEAVE ME!" Alex said storming into the house uninvited not ten minutes later.

"Relax, it's only a year and you have other friends. We can mail each other too." I try to reply calmly, but in reality, I want to be bouncing on my heels and screaming, "I'm going to the palace!" 

I kept it together. Against everything my brain is telling me to do, I stay sane. I'm in a daze when I walk up to my room and get settled for bed. Not like I sleep much anyways anymore. But tonight- I slept soundly.

What would it be like when I got to school tomorrow? Would everyone congratulate me? Or be jealous? Would they make bets on how long I would last? 

One more day. One more day in this hell hole of a town. Then I'm off to the palace. My escape. Goodbye room, bye family, goodbye Alex. Goodbye.

Sorry this is super short but I want to get to the action faster. Feedback? -Autumn

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