Ch. 10

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The woman's room was very depressing today. As the new leaked out about my date with the prince, I revived many evil glances, particularly from a girl named Riley. She is always thinks that she is better then everyone else.

"Well, even if the prince had a date with that thing, doesn't mean he likes her, and I know he loves me." I overheard her say to her friends that follow her around like she is a saint. They all nodded in agreement, and then took a moment to all give me mean looks.

The queen, Lauren, motioned for me to come over to her.

"Yes your majesty?" I say as I give her a curtsy.

"I heard about your date with my son." she said, " I also see that some of the girls don't realize that it is, the prince who is making the decision and that they cannot impact that by taking behind each other's back, and arguing. You understand that, don't you?" She asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Thank you Lily." she said, "You may go now."

I cursty, nod and go find Samantha sitting on a couch.

"Hi!" She says as she waves me over to sit by her and pats her seat next to her.

"Thanks. Everyone else is being mean to me or ignoring me."

"It's okay, just ignore Riley, her popularity goes up as others go down, so just don't let them get to you."

"Yeah, you are right. Anyways... did you see Loretta yet today?" I ask.

"Ugh no, both of you, you are never in here and I have nowhere else to be so I always feel lonely." She says with a sigh. " Oh no, history lesson." she says blankly as she looks over my shoulder.

The middle aged woman that teaches us manners, walks in with a stack of letter.

"No, letters from home," I turn to tell her, but she is grinning, I guess she hates history.

The woman who's name is Mallory, hands me three letters. One from my mom, another from my cousin, and the last one from Alex. I decide to leave my parents for last, and read Alex's first.

Hey girl,
I miss you so much! Have you had your first date with the prince yet? I get really lonely at school without you. Mail me back. 

I love you so flipping much oh my god come back,

My cousin's is somewhat like Alex's but it's mostly about how her children are out of control and that they miss me.

Then I read my parents.

Lily, we miss you so much and we wish you were here. The house is getting very quite without you, but soon it won't be so quite. We are going to have a baby!

 It is official, this time it cannot be a miscarriage, because we are already past that date. We are sorry we didn't tell you but we know what happened before, and we wanted to make sure. We are not sure how you will take this news, but we know you have always wanted a little sibling.

We love you the moon and back,
Mom, and Dad

I found a little note taped to the back, it read.


We are due in 6 months, picture of the baby is enclosed.

I looked at the alien of a human that will one day be my little brother or sister. I am not happy. Not happy that I will not be there with my mom as she goes through the pregnancy. Not happy that I won't be there for the first few months of his/her life.
But then again I am so happy, happy that my family will have another person, happy that I will have a sibling. Happy.

Short chapter! You weren't
expecting that were you? 😊 Thank you all for reading, I just started this book in the beginning of this month and it already has 80 views. Wow.

In the beginning of almost each chapter you guys should check out the character boards. so far I have Lily, Loretta, Samantha, the twins, Lacy and Felix, Alex, and Autumn, so check them out.

Oh and thank you all for reading!

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