Ch. 13

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"Darling, what is wrong." Christian says.

I just stare out at the town looking at the small people walking the streets. We lay on the balcony to my room with a blanket spread out. My head resting in his lap, I look at him,

"N-Nothing is wrong, I just feel a little home sick, and with the baby coming..." I say. Christian picks up a little piece of my hair, and fiddles with it, positioning it just right so the gold color shimmered in the sun.

"It's okay, I'm sure your mother is fine, and you can always call." He try's to be reassuring, but it just makes me feel worse sometimes.

"You know, you really need to work on that reassuring thing," I say with a laugh. "I'm upset and you tell me I can call?" I grinned. He gives me a scowl, and hides something behind his back.

"Look what I brought," he says as he brings out a plate of brownies and little heart shaped cookies that say,
"Will you be my date to the Valentine's Ball?"

I gasp, "Okay.." I say as I hug him. "But- If I do, I get to teach you consolidation skills." Then I immediately grab a brownie and stuff it in my mouth. No room for negotiating. He just gives me a smile and grabs a cookie.

He plays with my hair more and I teach him how to do a braid,

"So first you take the hair and separate into three pieces." I explain,

"But why three, shouldn't it be two," he asks obviously confused, " It looks like two pieces,"

After a few minutes of this and after my hair is pretty tangled, I give up.

"Zoe!!!" I call I my maid. She rushes out and asks what I need.

"Can I trouble you for a brush? It seems that the prince is not good with hair." I say as I touch his dark brown hair.

Zoe try's to hide her smile as she leaves. She comes back with a brush and she gives it to Christian. He turns and brushes my hair out.


"Emma, can I redecorate my room?" I ask my maid.

"Yes you can!" She exclaimes as if she was waiting for this day to come, "Anything you want, of course, the royals want to make you feel at home." she says, and then turns to whistler something in Piper's ear. She grins and runs out of the room. Piper comes back with a stack of books and Sam and Loretta come in behind her.

"Um, hi." I say, " What are you doing here." I ask my friends.

"What are we doing here? What are we doing here!?! We are here to help you design your room!" Sam says.

"And we heard that you are the prince's date to the Valentine's Day Ball! So we are gonna help your maids design your dress." Loretta says as she jumps up and down. Princess material by day- Geek by night. 

Piper sets down the booklets and I see that about half are dress designs, and the rest are room decor ideas.

I flip through the rooms ideas and find a bed that I really like. It is a huge circle bed with a see through canopy.

"I like this one." I say as I point to the bed to show the girls.

" Oh, that is so pretty," Zoe says as she marks it down in her book of the things I want. " Now we need a bedspread, and a general color for the whole room."

"Dark Blue," I say immediately, "Like midnight.." 

After a few hours, my room has my old bedroom door with the hearts. A circle bed, with a dark bedspread, shimmery light pillow, with a white canopy. The rest of my room is the same except for the lounge area has different colored couches, and the walls are a dark grey. 

"Yay! We are done! Now to the dress!" Sam says.

We all seems to pick out different dress ideas, except for Piper, the one who would be making the dress. I want a simple yet elegant dress, my maids want a lace dress, Sam likes big dresses that look like clouds, and Loretta could really care less about the dress and is still gushing about how amazing my room looks, but she thinks it should be red that fades into white.

Piper writes all of the ideas down and prances out of the room.

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