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The palace. I am walking up to the palace. I'M WALKING UP TO THE FREAKING PALACE!

My eyes widen in shock. I might live in a nice, big house, but compared to the palace it was a heck of a lot smaller. I walk through the huge doors into the ballroom, crystal staircases, and chandeliers. There is a woman about my mom's age that is super perky, but ladylike at the same time. How do you even pull that off? She leads us to a cream and white colored room, with dresses and stations to make us more pretty. The girls are all put at different stations, picking out clothes, makeup and even hair. I was put in clothing. these two maids lead me into this, huge room, filled with all kinds of dresses.

"Miss, just look around you have about and hour and half. Once you see something just call is over and tell us what color you want it in and we will make another that is exactly the same in your exact size. Pick out 10 dresses and then you can have your pick each day of the next week." The one maid says measuring me and taking my size. Then, they send me off.

So. Many. Dresses! I'm feeling quite overwhelmed. I mill around until one catches my eye, it is a pink sparkly halter top with a poofy tulle skirt. I call over the maid, "May I have this one but in a cobalt blue?" I ask. They give me a bright smile and walk away, I end up getting very simple but nice dresses and 7 day dresses.

Now then send me over to makeup. The wave of smelly perfume hits me like a truck and I get dizzy. They use some stuff to bring out my green eyes, and I just nod and zone out focusing on not taking very big deep inhales in.

Next I have to go to hair. They give me a trim and curl my hair and put it in a elaborate half up, half down look. The same clothing maids come and get me and take me into a new room, a shoe room. I pick out some cute high heels, and flats.

"How about these miss?" The maid asks me as she shows me one of those high heel boots.
"No! No! No! I will never wear those shoes, not for the life of me." I almost scream. I cracked my head open wearing those once. Never again.

After about another hour of agonizing boringness, we are shown to our rooms. Mine is the third bedroom out of the 8 in the west wing. I walk into the huge room, all white wall, white bed spread, white window seat, a blank canvas. Three young women come greet me. It takes me a minute but I learn all their names.

Emma is the perky one who help me get dressed into my day dress the next morning. Zoe, seems shy, but still happy all the time, and Piper seems to be in charge of telling the others what to do, and to remember to be proper. I sit on the window seat with my book in my lap looking out to the gardens and the big lake just beyond the gardens. My blonde hair is tied into a messy bun and I'm wearing a tee shirt and sweat pants. Since I don't have to meet the prince until Friday, I don't have to look presentable until Friday, except for the days that the selected will eat meals together and when we have to go to the woman's room. I heard that the queen just talked recently with the queen of Illea, Isabelle Schreave. She told the queen to take one of the extra, larger rooms on the 1st floor and make it the woman's room. That is were we got prepped.

I sigh and pick up my book. I read thought the next chapter and turn to face my maids playing a game of chess. Once they are finished with their game I decide to put on a day dress and fix my hair. Then I go explore.

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