Ch. 4

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Cynosure. The first word flew into my mind as I pushed my way through the doors into school.

It's to be the center of attention.

When I thought today would be different, I was right.

But I thought it would be a 'Good Different'. I was so wrong.

This classifies under 'Bad Different'.

I received death stares from almost all the girls at my school as I walked down the hallway. I tried to ignore them but I just couldn't.

People whispered under their breath and shot glances at me when they thought I wasn't looking.

My teachers thought this was some big funny joke, and that the were sorry I was leaving.

"You should learn ahead. You know, if you get no prince time at the palace." one boy said in my Foreign languages class. I was antagonized to the point of me snapping, when the clock tower rang and we were let out of school.

Once I got to my house there was a woman standing next to our island in the kitchen.
"Lady Lily, you have a very beautiful home, no?" She said in her stickily sweet accent that most of us grew out of after the war.

"Um... thanks?" I say though I was thinking, Who are you and what are you doing in my house? She answered my question for me.

"Hi, I'm Natalie, I'm here to ask you some questions for The Selection and to have you sign off the contract," she says in a high authority voice. I obey and sign all the things I need to.

"That's it!" She exclaims as she collects the paperwork off the table. "Now, you will be leaving tomorrow at noon. You can bring a spare change of clothes for the day you travel, and a few close belongings. Have a good day Lady Lily." she concludes as she is about walk out the door.

"Wait! Can you tell someone that I would rather be called Miss Lily? Lady Lily just sounds weird." I call to her. She tilts her head at me in question then gives a quick nod and gets in her car.

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"I can't decide what to bring!" I groan as I walk down the stairs to my mom.
She gives me a smile and offers to help me. I love my mom always there when I need her. We went up to my room together and decided to pack my favorite blouse and my best fitting jeans. "Oh my god! Mom what if I can't wear pants at the palace." I over exaggerated myself as I collapsed on the bed. "I'll DIE!"

"I'm sure you'll survive," she giggled.

I have this little purple suitcase that I set aside for traveling, so it was perfect, I put my clothes in there and then went to the bathroom. I grab my matching set of heart earrings and necklace.

"Oh, I remember when you got those," my mom says coming up behind me. I smile and look at us in the mirror. Looking back on the day I got the jewelry in my hand, when I turned 15 and I had this big party, almost everyone came. Being somewhat unpopular it was surprising.

This necklace was my favorite gift , but then I found a pair of matching earrings in a different present and thought they went together.

I was hit with a wave of nausea and I held my hand to my mouth.

"Are you sick?" mom asked as she noticed.

I shook my head and straighten up, "I'm fine. Just a little funny feeling, that's all."

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"Miss Lily, this way." An older man was guiding me to the stage in front of the town hall. The mayor was there making a speech about how he hopes I become the new princess. I walk up onto the stage and brush my hand against the flowers in the gigantic base.

"Would you like to say anything?" The mayor asks me.

I give my head a quick shake, and turn around to the door at the end of the stage. Feeling claustrophobic with all the people around me I wrench the door open, revealing a lovely cream-colored room with plush couches and a wide screen tv. The Selection waiting room.

Sorry this is so short!😁it's just really late (4am holy shit) and I want to sleep, but also finish this chapter.

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