Ch. 15

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Waking up from a good dream is like leaving heaven, just to find paradise awaiting me.

The shun shone in through the window in streaks. The dust particles illuminated under the bright light, dancing in that air.

I sat upright and held a pillow to my chest, remembering everything about last night.

It was dream.

I was being thrown into a fairy tale. It was the most fun I've had in a long time.

I spent most of the night slow dancing with Christian and introducing myself to others when he felt obligated to dance with some of the other selected. 

My door swung open loudly. So much for sleeping. Thanks Piper.

I watch her rush to my closet in a hurry and pull out a casual dress.

Placing it on the end of my bed, she smiled.

"Miss, the prince needs you in thirty minutes," Piper says to me.

"Why? What's going on?" I ask. Piper gives a little shake of her head, and then -after prepping me -send me out the door where a guard is waiting for me. He takes me to a corridor that I've never seen before.

The hallways was dark and I was loosing sight the farther we went down.

We turn a corner, and I see Christian standing there.

"Thank you, Officer Scregnar." He says with a sip of his head. "I'll take her from here."

He started to walk so I rush to him and walk in pace. His hand intertwines with mine and his thumb traces small circles.

As soon as we were out of earshot, I spoke.

"Christian, what happened, what's wrong?" I say turning to him.

"What?" He says and I can see the worry line crease his brow.

"My, maids wouldn't tell me anything. I was so worried something happened!" I say as tears threaten to show themselves.

Stupid stupid stupid!

I will not cry over nothing.

"I was worried sick, I thought something had happened to you, or my family!"

"Y-You were worried about me?" He asks inquisitively.

I tilt my head.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

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