Ch. 14

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Looping my arm in Christian's, I take a deep breath and walk through the huge double doors into the ballroom. He smiles at me and because he is about a head taller than me, he gives me a kiss on the top of my head. Once we walk in I realized that my maids overdid themselves. Most of the royals gasp and so do a few of the girls. Most of the Selected are wearing simple pink, red, and white gowns.

My maids made the most spectacular dress. I feel like I'm a cloud. It is a strapless, flowy, ombré from red to white at the bottom. Seems like Piper liked every idea but mine. Oh well, I really don't care because this dress is everything I've ever dreamed of.

Heads slowly return back to what they were previously doing, leaving us out of the spotlight.

Being the date of the prince, I was expected to make friends with the visitors. While I was walking to the punch table a girl about my age intercepted me on accident.

"I'm so sorry, I'm such a klutz!" She said, her golden hair shining under the lights.

"It's okay." I say laughing with gracefulness, "Where are you from?"

"Illea, actually, I just married the Prince, Jason, in The Selection." She says as she points to a very handsome boy with red hair.

"Any helpful hints?" I ask with a wink and fiddle with a flower crown adoring my head.

"Just be yourself," she says and I smile.

"What is your name?" she asked.

"Lily Commings."

"Hannah Ger-, wait, Schreave." She stumbles on her last name, "I'm still getting used to the whole princess thing."

We both laugh and basically hang out with each other for the rest of the dance. It kind of works out because we both need to be with the princes and Christian and Jason seems like old friends.

Hannah gasps, "Jason tell them about the time that I got knocked out by another girl for having so many dates with you!" They both burst out laughing, and I'm there just standing in shock.

What if that happens to me, most of the other girls have had at most two dates, and I've had like four.

The music starts to slow down, and Christian takes my hand,

"May I have this dance?" he smirks after kissing my hand.

"Nope," I joke with a smile, he laughs and whisks me off to the dance floor.

I try to keep up, but I was never into dancing at home and rarely ever pay attention in etiquette.

"Ouch!" Christian says in pain when I step on his foot.

"Opps! I'm sorry!"

"Being a princess requires the minimal dancing skillet" a smirk shone on his face, "Where going to have to work on this." He said. I never got a chance to reply, because Jason came over and took my hand, and Christian started dancing with Hannah.

"Why hello there your majesty,"

"If you don't address your Christian that way, don't to me." he said sternly, but then smiled.

Your Christian.

He called Christain mine.

"You know, he likes you," he said in my ear. I felt my cheeks tinged with pink.

"Was Hannah your choice from the beginning?"

"No actually, I'm the beginning this one girl seemed so nice and sweet, but then one night I found out that she didn't want me, she wanted the crown. Hannah seemed so sincere, and nice I started spending time with her, and it just... Worked out." he said deep in thought.

Nodding, I wonder how many girls really want Christian, and how many want the power.

The song ended we bowed to each other, and I walked off to go find Christian, finding him talking to a guard with a cup of clear liquid in his hand.

I peer into the cup, "Are you drunk?" My eyes sad.

"Just juice." He laughs and hands me the fragile glass. I take a sip and nod. "Why do you care?"

I reach up to his face and smile. "Because I care about you."


The dance ended and I think Christian, Hannah, and I were the only ones who were sober. I really hate alcohol. I best part of walking back to my room, and guiding Loretta, was when I saw Riley punch Britney. I don't even know why, but she punched her and they got into a brawl.

Six guards had to pry them apart as they screamed. Turning away a went up the stairs with Loretta. After she was safe in her maids hands, I turned to my door. My maids must have worked some sort of magic because my door was glowing. Each little heart was glowing, and twinkling in the light.

I quietly open the door not to disrupt my maids. Turning on the lights, I find my maids playing a game of solitaire. They drop their cards to help me get prepared for bed. I dismiss them anyways saying something alone the lines of, "I can draw a bath and pull a few dozen pins out of my hair myself."


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