Ch. 22

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It's been a month since our fight. I miss Christian, his calming words, strong arms, romantic dates. All of the things he was now sharing with Sara.

Ignoring all the other girls, he only spent time with her. He requested a seat change in the banquet hall so they could sit next to each other.

It disgusted me to see them together, holding hands, feeding each other dinner, sharing kisses.

Everyone in a while I give him glares. Although he sees them, he does nothing about it.

Reading in room one night I hear a knock on my door, opening it up expecting to see a guard, I find the one and only, Prince Christian Menell.

"Hi," I say coldly. My heart screams for me to jump into his arms and kiss him until my breath runs out, but my head screams for me to tell him to get out. 

"I have news." He says soothingly,

"You're getting married to Sara!?" I say as my eyes widen.

"No! Gosh, no!"



"Nothing, actually, I have good news, for you at least,"

"Lily, would you please come back to the Selection, I'm dying inside without you."

Pausing to think about it,

"Why was my name not on the list?" I croak out, my voice struggling to speak. 

"I didn't make the list, my father did, I got one person to pick, it was you. It was always you..."

" Why then?"

"Why what?" He asks, obviously lost.

"Why fall back to Sara?"

"I don't know what I feel for her."

"Yeah, sure I will re-enter the section. Gain my trust back." I stop and scowl at his face that filled with joy, "Is that it?"

" No, your baby sister is born."

Okay tell me! I need to know this! Should Sara or Lily end up with Christian? I'm thinking Sara, but then Lily. I'm confused with my own characters. WHO DO THEY LOVE?!?!

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