Ch. 19

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Hey lovelies! I just wanted to say thanks! I really don't like this book so far! Ugh I know! But still it's uneventful! I need action, and I'm going to give you action in the next few chapters!

"Wake up! Miss Lily wake up!" A skinny, small figured girl said as she threw the covers off me.

"What's going on?" I ask bewildered. Then the sirens start. Clutching my ears I get out of bed. The girl helps me get a robe on and opens a door behind the bookshelf, and leads me down the tunnel. After what feels like ages of walking the steps leading downwards, I see a light.

"This is a rebel attack," the small girl says, " Usually they are harmless, but some people get injured or captured only to return years later abused or tortured, or even worse." she said she eyes widening wither grief, maybe remember someone who suffered this fate.

"Let's go, after we get out of this tunnel, there is one hallway we need to pass to get to the safe room." she said grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the tunnel.

We practically run across the hallway, looking around for rebels, I don't see any, but that doesn't mean anything. After the girl enters the room, I'm close behind when a hand grabs the collar of my robe. Turning around ready to hurt anyone, I see a man about 25 who is covered in grime, with yellow teeth when he smiles.

"Yer a beauty, aren't ya?" He said getting closer to me, and pulling my hands behind my back with a rough rope.

"Make a mighty fine prize back at home," he said as his hand touches my jawline, "Or, I could just keep ya to myself, how'd tha' sound sweetheart?" He said leaning into me. Screaming, I struggle with my bound hands and knee him in the groin.

"Ah, yer a feisty one?" He said turning to me after looking to see if anyone heard my scream.

"An't nobody commin to yer aid, terda' sweetheart, yer mine now." he says picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask, scared for my life.

"To rebel base camp, there we will see if yer worthy of a mighty big prize, or if I should keep ya as my wife?"

"NO! Never! I will never be your wife." I say trying to kick him over his shoulder, whimpering.

"No, well then we could kill ya, yer choice, painful death I reakon, or my wife and she will be a good wife, or else..." He says through gritted teeth. "Thall kill ya if thay want."

"She will do neither!" I hear a voice behind me.

"Chris..." I smile through the pain the man caused by digging his fingers in my arm,  "No!" I say as the man pull out a gun and instead of pointing at him, I feel the cool metal press against my temple.

"No, don't, I'll give you anything, don't hurt her!" He says looking desperate.

"Lemme keep her. I won't hurt her, promise. Well- Thays up fer debate."  he says as he clicks the bullet into place.

"Other than her, what do you want?" Christian says as if he can see the last seconds of my life tick by.

"Another girl." he says.

"No." Christian tells him making a move for the two of us.

Hearing a loud boom, everything disappears.


I'm dead.

I'm dead...

I'm not dead?

Am I dead?

Opening my eyes I see the blurry outline of 2 maybe 3 people.

"She's awake!" A voice soundly vaguely like Christain's bursts out.

"Oh! Good! She wouldn't have survived the night if she didn't wake up." a deep raspy voice explains.

"Am I dead?" I ask Christian. A thought filled my head, "Oh god, Chris did you die? You can't die. I can, but you're heir, you can't just die-" 

He cut me off, "No you cannot die, Lil, I couldn't live with myself. We are both very much alive."

Sitting up I feel a rush of nausea, that makes me want to puke.

"How long was I out?" I ask the doctor.

"Four days, if you were still out by tomorrow, you most likely would have died." he says as the takes off his gloves. I want to ask why I would have died but he would probably explain some elaborate medical term that would just go right over my head. 

"Doctor, could I talk to Chr- the Prince, alone, for a minute?" I ask.

Nodding he leaves the room.

"You saved my life?" I say in an asking manner.

"Do you remember?" I shook my head. Not after the gunshot. 

Nodding he continues, " After I told him, no, he shot, a guard that I brought with me to find you, snuck up behind him and jerked his hand right as he shot, missing your head, and going into the vase behind you. He picked you up and threw you against a wall just to see me suffer, of course, you had already passed out from stress." He stopped for air,

"Lily Grace Commings, I've never been so thankful for anything as much as I am that you are alive." He said taking my hand and kissing me, "I think I love you." he said to me between kisses.

Pulling away I say, "I love you too."

I think. 

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