Ch. 21

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"Bye Hannah!" I say calling out of the jet.

"I'm sorry we couldn't plan the party!" She says yelling back. I nodded before the door closed behind us. 

"Gosh, it's hot out!" I say tugging at my dress.

"Now you know how I feel on a daily basis." Christian points out. Then he snuggles his face into my neck, "Not as hot as you though."

"Shove off." I joked lightly hiding my crimson cheeks.

"It's true."


"I have an announcement!" Christian. Say as he takes us into the hot, summer garden.

"Ugh, my feet are like, totally killing me!" Someone says from the crowd. Turning towards the voice I see it's, Molly, a tall girl with key black hair, and gray eyes.

"Shut up and deal with it? Or are you not cut out to be princess." Britney said loud enough for Christian to hear.

"I have decided to make it an Elite," Christian say in his high authority voice, "The 6 girls who will still be competing in the Selection will be, Sara, Loretta, Riley, Molly, Willow," He pauses, checking his list.

"And Lisa?" he says with a sigh, and a frown.

Realization hit me like a truck, o-or a wave. No scratch that. Realization hit me like a mother flopping tsunami. Christian didn't love me, not enough to make me his princess, not enough to make me his wife.

"Any problems, with this list can be discussed with me later," he said making straight eye contact with me.

Giving my head a little shake, I left, bursting into the ballroom, I find Lacy and Felix staring at me.

"Aw, did our big brother dump you?" Lacy said with a smirk.

"Shut up!" I say harshly, not bothering to remember the power she held over me.

"You know..." she paused, putting one hand on her hip, and one finger on her cheek, "Remember when I said I liked you? Weellll, I don't anymore, I don't like you at all."

"Lac-" Felix tried to stop her but stopped as quickly as he started.

"Guess what?" She said testing her limits, "The prince doesn't either."

Felix just looked apologetic, while Lacy taunted me. I couldn't do anything to her or she would cry to her mom and dad, who just happened to be the king and queen.

I never thought that a seven-year-old could be so mean.

"Goodbye Lacy. Felix." I say giving a short curtsy, turning on my heal and waking out the doors. 


"Christian," I say ask he walks in, "I don't want you here!" I say screaming and throwing the first thing that my hand reached at him, lucky it was a pillow.

Ignoring my attempts to get him out of my room, he sits down next to me and wraps his arms around me.

"Get off me." I say harshly.


"I said, get off me!" I say jacking him in the rib cage with my elbow.

"Ow!" He gasps, clutching his rib, " I was here to tell you the list was a mistake! Simmer down."

"I love you, and you practically break up, and tell me to simmer down!?" I scream at him.

"Fine then! I'll go see what Sara is up to." He says with a heart broken face, "I guess you're not my option now." He said slamming my door behind him.

Behind closed doors, I broke down.

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