Ch. 20

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That night, men with yellow teeth, and white wedding gowns smeared with dirt haunt my dreams.

My mom ways used to joke about how I was never afraid of the bees at the playground, or the 'Monster Under The Bed'.

"My fearless little Lily." she would say as she tucked me in for bed.

Now I feel nothing but fearless, I feel like a coward.

Wishing my mom was here right now I pull the cover around me and look around the room. Getting up, I turn on the light and search the drawers. Finding a sweater and a pair of jeans, I put them on and braid my hair in the mirror.

Why does he like me? I think to myself. I wasn't ugly, but I definitely wasn't beautiful. I was smart but not smart enough to run a country.

Leaving my room I go find Hannah. Finding the princess suite I knock on the door.

Opening the door is a tired, messy haired Hannah.

Of course she was disheveled, it's the middle of the night. 

"What do you need?" She says obviously annoyed.

"I just wanted to talk to you?" I say raising my voice at the end so it sounded like a question.

"Stay here," she say as she goes into her bathroom.

Coming out she wears clothes similar to mine and her hair brushed.

"Sit," she says pointing to her bed, still annoyed. "I have a question to ask you." she says.


She keeps talking like I never said anything, "Christian loves you, you could end the selection in the matter of a month." she says putting her hands on her lap as she sits cross-legged, " So why don't you?"

"I'm just not ready to get married."

"Well if you did you could make friends with your enemies." she said weighing the option.

"Um," I say pretending to think, "Yeah that's never going to happen"

"Ugh" she says falling backward onto her pillow.

"Did you do that? In your selection?" I ask.

"The Illean selection is different, once he proposes, everyone leaves." She snapped her fingers to signify the quickness of it all. 

"Oh," I fumble, "Right"

"Do have rebel attacks often?" I ask.

"Not as often as when Jason's grandma was queen. That's why Jason has red hair, his mom inherited it from her mom, and Jason got it." she said, " Well that's besides the point, yes, we have rebels, and I know for a fact that Italy doesn't."

"Oh, are attacks bad?"

"Not as bad as your almost kidnapping, but not great."

"About that, can we talk?"

"Of course."

"It was horrible, I thought that man was going to take me, and use me. Make me be his wife, make me be a rebel." I say tears threatening to fall.

"Oh, come here," she says opening her arms for a hug.

Holding it together in her arms for a few minutes, I straighten myself up and wipe under my eyes mainly for the tears that barely brimmed.

"Sorry for waking you." I say as I walk towards the door.

"Anytime," she says, " Goodnight."

Talking it out with Hannah, made the dreams go away. Closing my eyes, I sleep peacefully throughout the rest of the night.

Right now my life is eating Nutella, listening to Taylor swift albums, and writing my story. So.... guess what?

Starting Monday, I won't be able to update until next Tuesday!!!


Sorry but it's just I won't have wifi, it I will be able to write ahead.

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