Ch. 16

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Standing up a little straighter I walk ahead of Christian. I briskly turn my head to the side and see him with his head tilted to the side, and then he rushes after me.

"Well, now that we are together, I'll show you something," he said catching up to me. Taking my hand he walks me first to the kitchen, to get a bite to eat. Taking a deep breath in of the aroma of freshly baked goods, I close my eyes. A plum woman with a pink apron on asks me what I would like.

"What do you have?" I ask although suspect my answer.

"Just about every breakfast food you could think of," she says gesturing around,

So I test my boundaries, "A white chocolate croissant?" I say, and in only a few moments, a warm, gooey croissant was placed into my hands and I was dragged off by a strong hand grabbing mine.

"Where exactly are you taking me?"


 Why do I even bother!" I say throwing my free hand in the air in protest. I free my hand and stubbornly I cross my arms, "I'm not moving until you tell me where you are going"

"Suit yourself," he says with a smirk, then he turns and walks away. Waiting a few moments for him to cave in he reaches a corner and turns it leaving me in the hallway all by myself.

"Ugh," I decide to walk down the hallway after him. Turning the corner he jumps out at me and yells, "Boo!" Screaming, I smack him on the arm. Doubled over in laughter he mumbles something.

"Let's go. He says straightening up, and taking my hand again.

"What's your favorite movie?" He asks as we enter the theater.

"I don't really have one, probably some book based movie," brushing my hand against the popcorn popper. "What's yours?"

"It's called the Titanic," he says pulling it off the huge shelf. "It's a true story of a ship that sank way before the war."

"Sounds depressing," I say "I'll try it."

I must say I was pretty intrigued by the movie, but at times, I got bored, and looked over at Christian.

He turned his head to look at me and I jumped back, like I was bought doing something I shouldn't be. "Are you okay?"

 "I-I'm, good, i-it's... just." I stammer,  "I'm great."

"Good" he said moving his face towards mine. Close. So very close.

"You know, you are my favorite, right?" He said with a smile.

"No, but I have my suspicions."

Smiling he pulls me into a gentle kiss. I don't pull away but he does, "I'm sorry, it's ju-" he stopped when he saw me smiling. 

Taking his hand, "Don't be." My heart was beating so loud I swear he can hear it. If I was standing my knees would go weak and I could barely stand. I lean in to kiss his again, this time he doesn't pull away. His hand finds my hair sometime, and starts playing with it. A favorite past time of his it seems. 

I finally pull away, and loose myself in his calm anchoring eyes. 

A note to my future self: If you are still claiming you have writers block, suck it tf up and write you little bitch. U DON'T HAVE WRITERS BLOCK YOU JUST LIKE EXCUSES. 


Future self: Wow I was one nice 12 year old. 

A letter to my time traveling younger self: Your writing sucks just quit while you are ahead. I cry while revising this. Also- Don't fall for who you will sit by in world science, just don't do it. 

OOOHHHH and also, don't trust a person who's name starts with a da- and ends with a -kota, be freinds with him still, just don't put full trust. Oh and study more for your freshman bio class. 

Ok done, peace out little me. 

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