Ch. 23

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Jumping into his arms I kiss him.

My brain screamed at me, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

Breaking the kiss I step back, "Sorry, it's just I miss you." I tell him as I cup the back of my neck. He was smiling, "NO! It's not going to be that easy." I pointed at him.

Walking over towards me he wraps his arms around me. I flinched at his touch, "I do too, I do too."



"You have any details about my baby sister?"



"But- I mean- you can ask your parents themselves..." 


Running down the halls hand in hand with Christian, I felt alive.

"Mom!" I say as I burst into the room.

"Lily!" She squeals as she try's to hug me over the small child in her arms and her remaining baby bump.

"Lily, this is baby Jordan, Jordan Rose Commings."

"Oh my gosh, mom she is so beautiful! Hi Jordan!"

"Just like you."

"Can I hold her?"

Nodding my mom puts her gently down in my arms. Christian wraps his arms around me as we admire the beautiful new baby.

I brush the tiny wispy hair out of her deep blue eyes, and she smiles. Yawning, she cuddles up with her blanket in my arms and fells asleep.

Setting her down in the crib, I give her and kiss on her forehead.

"I'll see you later mom,"

"Good bye honey, goodbye majesty."

Shutting the door gently is turn towards Christian, "Why?" I ask for perhaps the hundredth time.

"Why what?"

"Why did you bring them here?"

"Because I knew you would want to see them and Jordan... And I-I j-just wanted you to be happy."

My heart melted along with my remaining anger. "Christian,"

"Yes darling?"

"You wanted my trust?" I ask as I kiss him, "Here it is." Pulling me in, he deepened the kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Placing my head on his chest I try and focus on his heart beat. That sound, that's all I need.

"I'll see you in the morning," I smile as I fix his tie.

I hate my child self for making these chapters so short. I'm visibly cringing just looking at the word count while editing. 


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