Ch. 25

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Some people just don't give up. Britney is constantly trying to impress the whole royal family, and scare Sara to death.


I turn to see Riley standing next to me in the woman's room.

The only people here are me, Riley, Lexi, the queen and some maids.

"Um, hi?" I reply uncertain of why she is here.

"Look, I know I've been mean and rude and annoying in the past, but I want to say sorry."


"I just feel like I've been out of hand and how Britney is treating you, that's just not nice."

When I just stood there staring at her she sighed.

"Look, The Selection has turned me into someone I'm not. And I'm not saying I'm not naturally bitch- I am, but just not to that extent. I'm quitting tomorrow."

"Why are you quitting?"

"Well, when you don't participate, you are free, to do anything. I don't really love the prince anymore, and I think I'm in love."

"With who?"

"A guard!"

"Thank you Riley." I mean it, "For explaining."

"I really hope we can be friends, I'm pulling for you. You would be a great princess."

"Thank you."

"You got it."


"Lily? you need you put on your dress, there will be a report tonight." Piper called rushing into my room.

"Five more minutes! I don't feel like getting up."

"But miss, it will take almost all day to get you ready!"

"Fine." I say getting up and shaking out my messy, blonde, fluffy ball that I call my hair in the morning.

"Emma, can you get the bath ready? Oh, and Zoe can you go fetch that dress?" Piper ordered. Both girls nodded and left.

"I can work on your nails." she said taking my hand and examining my nails. When I was about 13 I used to have a nail biting problem, but now I'm over it. They never quite recovered the same. 

She decided on a nice light rose pink color, with a matte top. She painted both my toes and my nails as I dried off from my bath.

Emma started drying and doing my hair into an elaborate side bun that looks exactly like a flower. Zoe walks in with a large dress in a white case. Making me close my eyes, she slipped the smooth fabric over my head.

Looking in the mirror I see the beautiful dress that my maids created.

It was a light shade of pink, sweetheart neckline, that was fitting until the belly button, then frayed out in layers to the floor.

Sweet, childish, and innocent. 

I sat and watched the sunset as they picked out a pair of shoes for me.

"Miss, which one would you rather wear?" Piper said as she holds up two different heels.

"This one." I say pointing to the light pink pumps with covered toes and sparkles.

"Y-you seem, well, not yourself today..."

"How so?" I ask idiotically.

"You never wear pink and rarely sparkles."

Smiling, I waved her off, suddenly turning serious, I point to Emma, "My birthday is in a week, what am I wearing?"

"We have something planned." she said with a mistevious grin.


"So, Christian, who is the lucky woman who will soon have a beautiful ring on her hand?" Gabe the host asked.

"Well, I know very well who it will be, I just don't think we are both ready yet."

"Can we have the name of this lucky girl?" He asked dying to know. 

He glanced at the group of girls, his blue eyes meeting mine for a second longer than they should have before turning back to the camera, "That is for us to know, and for the world to wonder."


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