Ch. 8

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I wake up with a gentle shake of my shoulder, and the blinds being drawn. I look over to find Piper sitting next to my bed, and Emma is picking out a day dress for me.

Oh, that's right, it's my last day before I have to meet the Prince.

I pick out an Aqua princess neckline day dress, and a pair of matching shoes.

Yesterday I went to the woman's room and basically talked to Loretta and Samantha the whole time. I think I can trust them, Loretta seems kind and nice, and Samantha is just shy but she will open up. I know it.

My maid prepare my bath, and then get my hair and makeup ready. I slide on the dress and when my maid see that I am fit, then send me off. When I walk in to the dining hall, I realize that I definitely over dressed. Every one is wearing their plainest dress in order to save the prettiest one for tomorrow when we meet the prince.

Awkwardly I walk to my seat, as I get many confused stares from the other selected. I sit across from a girl named Lacy, and next to me are Holy and Aaron. I smile at Lacy when our food comes, she gives me a smile that doesn't reach her eyes. Trying to ignore everyone I eat my fruit and, tarts.

I am relived when the royal twins come in and start jumping up and down ecstatic to meet us. The twins are only 7, so they are still young. I talk to Felix, and I see Lacy talking to the princess Lacy, laughing at how they have the same name. Felix kisses my hand and gives me a bow, I smile.

"Your majesty," I say as I get up and curtsy to the young prince. He smiled and fixed his tie. He looked like a mix of Christian and his mother. His golden hair matched his sisters, and his dark blue eyes matches his brother's.

Felix leaves, and is soon replaced by Lacy. She looks at me, studying me like I'm a book, then finally says,

"I like you," she says as she puts her hand on her hip. "You are the first girl here that doesn't seem head over heels for my brother."

"Thank you?" I reply in a questioning tone.

"You should be." She says with a sassy attitude, then she walks away.

The power that, that seven year old holds over my head, is incredible. Scary even.

I head back to my room, walking a path I usually don't take. I see the staircase that leads to the tower, but then decide to go outside. The guards let me out without a question. I wander around the gardens for a while until I find myself so far into the plants that I can't remember my way back to the castle.

The clock tower strikes midnight, and I'm still lost out here. I sit on a bench and start to cry, I have been out here all day trying to find my way out of this maze of flowers, yet no luck.

I'm not aware of the presence of another person until they see me.

"Are you okay?" Says an unknown voice. Curiously I look up to see the famous Prince Christian.

"Thank god! Someone found me! I have been out here all day and night trying to find my way out of the garden but I can't, it's such a beautiful place with so many twists and turns,"
I stop for breath, and Christian talks.

"I shall take you back to your room if you like?" He says. I give a nod and follow him out of the garden, wiping away my tears.

"Why were you out there?" I ask as we walk.

"The best rulers of Ilea found each-other the night before meeting each-other in the selection in the garden." He shrugs, "I'm a hopeless romantic."

"Oh- um, thank you."

Once I get to my room, Christian explains to my maid what happened, they were worried sick.

When he is about to leave he leans in my ear and whispers.

"Don't tell the other selected that we meet, after all we weren't supposed to until tomorrow." I nod, "Goodnight Lily." and with that he softly shuts the door behind him.

I get dressed for bed and crawl into my sheets and I'm asleep before my head even hits the pillow.

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