Ch. 9

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"Lily Commings," Christian says from the little area where we will meet the prince.

I smile and walk over letting my long blue dress trail behind me. I sit across from him, and smile.

"How did you sleep?" he says with a wink.

"Good but I only got a few hours." I reply. I have kept my word, I will not tell anyone about our secret meeting.

"Can I ask you something?" He questions.

"Of course." I reply and wait for a response.

"Good, I shall see you later, Lily." he says as he reads the next name off the list.



I wake up the next morning to Zoe handing me a letter. The writing is in fancy cursive and it is addressed to me. A letter from my parents! I think. I open it and when I see the letter starts with, to Miss Lily, my heart drops, but then suddenly floats back up again. The letter says,

Would do me the honor of going on a date with me, Tuesday night at dinner?
- Prince Christian

"Can I ask you something?" The words play gently in my head. It makes sense now.

Tuesday? That is tonight! I should have got this last night but I didn't. I grab a pen and write one simple phrase, the same I used yesterday when I talked to him.

Of course.

"Emma can you please have this delivered to the prince?" I ask of her.

"Of course miss," she says as she rushes out the door.

I sit on my balcony reading my book. It is a cloudy day so I don't have to worry about getting burned. I started a new book that I found in the palace library. It's about a boy who has to go off to war and leave his family and friends. You would think that it would be quite a sad book, but it isn't.

I'm in a similar situation. Leaving my friends and family for a war for the prince, and for some, the crown.

My maids come in about an hour before dinner with an amazing lilac colored chiffon day dress with a low back. They help me put it on a few minutes before Christian comes. To pass the time I decide to sit at the piano and play a song. I don't know how to play very well, I can play a few selective songs and I know all the keys. I play a tune my mother taught me how to play when I was 14, after I finish, I get a round of applaud, by my maids, and Christian leaning on my door frame. He is smiling at me, and I turn, my heart fluttering. My maids shoo me away and he puts his arm around me and leads me out the door.

"You're very talented." he says as we walk down the stairs.

"Thanks! Mom taught me how to play." I gush. He nods.

Well this is awkward.

Suddenly we come to a dead end.

His hands are suddenly covering my eyes and his hot breath is tickling my ear.
"Close your eyes!" Christian whispers excitedly.

"Why?" I ask curiously acting almost afraid.

"Just close em'," he says as he gently pushes me forward, removing his hands. " No peeking."

I blindly walk around with Christian guiding me. I walked into a wall once, before he could tell me I was going the wrong way.

I could tell when we walked outside, when the strong scent of flowers hit my nose I knew we were in the garden. He kept walking my farther and farther, until my feet felt grass and long weeds.

I feel Christians hands lift off my shoulders,

"Open your eyes," he says from somewhere in front of me.

Once I open my eyes. I find myself on top of a hill over looking a meadow to one side and the castle to another. Christian is siting on a blanket, with a basket of food.

"Woah," I say starstruck. " This, is incredible!" I say as I sit down next to him.

"Thank you." he says with a smile, as he brings out the food.

We eat for a while and when it starts to get dark, I look at him with a scowl.

"You neglected to bring a lantern?" I ask sarcastically.

"What?!?" He says as he throws his hands into the air. I sigh and lay down on my back and look at the stars. I show Christian some of the constellations, like Orion, and Scorpio, although it is hard to see them through the clouds.

I reach over for another brownie, probably my 5th one.

Christian lets out a laugh,

"You really like those, don't you!" He asks me.

I mumble out a few words but end up just nodding because my mouth is full, but that just makes him laugh even harder. Eventually, after swallowing, I join in.

"So how do like it so far?" He leans back on his elbow and looks at me.

I take a drink of water and brush my lips off before contemplating my answer.

"Hmm... It's different." I settle on my words.

"How so?"

I smile. "It's just different. I can't eat as much."


I point at his chest. "Have you ever worn a corset?"

His face broke into a smile. "Never has the chance."

I grumble "lucky" and turn back to the food.

After what seems like forever, it starts to rain. At first, it is just a sprinkle, and I get up and dance in it, but then it starts to pour. I'm completely soaked within seconds.

Christian is trying to put all the food in the basket, and cover us with the blanket, I threw my shoes in the basket, because we have to run down the hill and into the gardens. By the time we get to the castle, we are both soaking wet. The blanket never gave us much protection from the rain, so we just dropped it outside before walking in. It takes a few seconds for a maid to come up to us with two towels, and a pair of slippers for me.

Christian walks me to my room and we talk at the door for a minute.

Ok 9th-grade acting classes don't fail me now!

"I'm disappointed," I say. once I see the look of despair on his face, I smile, "You neglected to bring a lantern and an umbrella?" I say with a laugh.

He lets out a sigh of relief and knocks on my door. Zoe comes and opens it for us, I see a guard, Emma, and Piper all standing in a corner discussing something. The guard sees us bows to everyone and leaves the room.

"That was the most fun I have had in years." Christian says to me.

"Well, then you should get out more. I'm really not that fun." I say with a smile. He matches my smile.

"Yes you are." As his soft lips met my cheek the butterflies erupt in my stomach, before turning an walking away.

All of my maids are rushing to get me into warm clothes, and tuck me into bed. But I don't sleep. I lay awake almost all night replaying tonight in my head, and thinking of how perfect it was.

Yay!!!!! How do you like it? It's actually raining right now! I realize that in the last chapter I don't do a good job of describing the twins Lacy and Felix, so at the beginning is their character board.
Comment, thoughts ideas, positive or negative. 💝

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