Ch. 24

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Since my dad stayed at home, my mom was very tired. I offered to take Jordan for a while, and play with her.

I know it's not the most romantic thing, but I'm still sort of mad at Christian, so I took her on our date.

"Aw! Lily, she is so adorable!" Zoe said as she put on my sister's new fancy shoes with a glittery strap and a light pink flower.

Her dress matched her shoes; pink, poofy, and covered in pink flowers, matched with a pink head band.

I walk out to the hill with Jordan in my arms.

"Christian!" I call when I see him in my view.

Fanning out my dress that fades from purple to blue to white, I sit down.

"Can I hold her?" He asks as he stretches out his hands towards baby Jordan.

"Um, sure. But she might not like you," I say as I hand her over to him.

"Hi Jordan."

Jordan sat pretty nice in his arms until she had a little spit up and he freaked out.

"Gross, you got that all over my tie!" He scolded her.

When she started crying, I took her back and got out the bottle of breastmilk that my mom gave me.

"Wow," I said to him, "You made a baby cry."

"I didn't mean to!"

"I know you didn't," I say laughing.

"You know, you might have to get better at that dancing thing, but I need to get better at this baby thing."


"Wait, so how do you know how to take car of her?"

"I used to baby sit these two kids in my neighborhood and give the money I got to the poor."

"And you think you won't be a good princess?"

I nod casting my eyes down.

"I do, you are nice, smart, you give to those in need, and you are amazing."

I couldn't face him. I couldn't even reply.

"I only have 2 months left. What am I going to do?"

"Celebrate my birthday?" I ask slyly.

"Yes, we will celebrate your birthday." he told me.

"Yay!" I say laughing.

Putting Jordan down on the blanket, I stand up.

"I hope it won't rain this time."

"What are you talking about? That was fun!"

"For you maybe! But I got wet!" I say as I hit his arm.

He smirks and leans back, "You know... I could just ask the grounds keepers to turn on the sprinkler."

"No! Plus you couldn't make it down there before I did."

"No, I think I could"

"No! You know, I did track when I was little,"

"Yes, but darling, you have to run with the baby, and heels." he said with a sly smile.

Scowling I walk over to Jordan and pick her up.

"You know, if I wasn't such a responsible person, I would be kicking your butt right now."

"Sure." He said sarcastically.


"Yup." He popped the P and I rolled my eyes.

"Wow, you sound just like Lacy!"

"My sister?"

"Don't you mean your brat sister?"

"Oh, she is normally nice, she just hates The Selection as much as she hates broccoli, and trust me, she hates broccoli."

"Can you tell her to get off my back? When you cut me, she teased me, she yelled at me and told me that you hated me." I can almost feel the past tears trickling down my cheek.

"No, I never hated you, I just blew my top, and made a big mistake. I will never make that mistake again. I'm never losing you again..."


"I hate you." I turn to see Britney whispering in my ear.

Pushing me over a few feet, she yells at me through gritted teeth.

"Christian is mine, I will not stop fighting for him. He is mine!"

"No, he is not, you weren't invited into the Elite."

"Neither were you, but hey, he likes you enough to let you back in, or, did you just beg your way back in? You're pathetic!"

"Britney, I'm in the library to pick a book, not a fight."

"I don't care, Christian is mine, you will tell him you don't love him, or you will die!" She smirked, "I'm not against a few casualties."

"Please, I love Christian, and you can't stop me."

"Yes I can, I will show him that he loves me not you, and I will make him kick you out."

"You are acting like a child Brit please just go annoy someone else."

"Maybe I will." She said turning around.

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