Shotgun | JJ

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John B had the not so great idea of throwing what was supposed to be a small get together, but it turned out to be a disastrous party full of people who brought their own drinks, guests and drama. Sarah apparently mentioned the gathering by accident to some of her Kook friends who invited themselves as a joke and were also one of the problems us Pogues had to deal with. Pope was lecturing John B about the definition of a get together and how spreading the word about it was a dumb idea, while Kie tried to keep everyone in the backyard and JJ and I made sure nobody would go inside the chateau. I was entertaining myself by watching Sarah losing her cool with some Kooks and telling them to go home, which they surprisingly did, but the rest of the people there wouldn't have any of it, especially from Sarah Cameron, Kook princess, who somehow managed to make herself at home with the Pogues, a fact a lot of people had a hard time understanding. We obviously didn't care, we all liked Sarah and it was none of their business why she chose to hang with us.

"This shit is a mess.", JJ commented next to me, shaking his head in amusement as he ran his eyes through the yard full of ridiculously drunk teenagers.

"Yup, it's clearly one of the John B's talents: turn the simplest task into a mess."

"He's such a dumbass sometimes."

"Isn't that why you two are best friends?"

He glared at me, containing his grin.

"Last time I checked, you're our best friend too."

"Yeah, but I'm the smart one."

"Can't argue with that.", he took a drag from his joint and then held it in front of me, "Would you like some weed, ma'lady?"

I laughed at the use of courtesy in that context and grabbed the joint, bringing it to my lips.

"Yes please sir."

After a while, the party seemed to get under control. People were getting tired so most of them were just chilling, sitting down in various groups and just having a good time, you know, the way the get together was supposed to be from the beginning. Kie had infiltrated herself in a group when she noticed them talking about ecological issues and poor Pope just joined her due to lack of other options, seeing that John B and Sarah were making out in a corner on the porch and JJ and I were pretty much just standing by the door getting high.

"Hey,", JJ called me, "you wanna go inside? It's getting boring out here."

"Yes, please, my legs hurt from standing up for so long."

"I could take care of that.", JJ winked before opening the door and making room for me to walk in.

"I'm sure you would love to, you idiot.", I masked my embarrassment with a chuckle.

JJ's flirting wasn't anything unusual, especially towards me, as John B insisted in pointing out, but I was never prepared to deal with it and that may or may not be because of my feelings for him. Sometimes I would get high or drunk enough to flirt back and I even caught glimpses of redness in my best friend's cheeks once or twice. It was fun but dangerous, my beating heart reminding me that JJ didn't do relationships, let alone with his best friend. All of that was an innocent joke that unfortunately had an effect on me that I was pretty sure wasn't mutual.

I sat down on the couch with my side against the back of it to be able to face the window, bringing my arm up to rest my head on my hand. JJ sat down very close to me, making me a little confused because there was plenty of space, but I just assumed that it was because he wasn't thinking completely straight already because of the weed. I didn't mind, obviously. Not thinking much of it, I rested one of my legs on his lap, almost melting when his hands made contact with my skin there.

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