Whiny Bitch (Part 2) | John B

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On my way home, I was glad I was alone because I was sure I looked ridiculous smiling so widely. My thoughts kept on going back to John B, and our little moment at the chateau kept replaying in my head, despite the events that led to that. Unfortunately that smile faded into a frown when I got home. Topper was sitting on the doorstep and he immediately got up when he saw me approaching, making me roll my eyes in annoyance because I could already see another fight coming. If not because I defended John B back at the beach, it would be because I walked home alone. There always had to be something for my brother to act all protective over me and I was starting to get really sick and tired of his stupid pep talks about the things I did wrong. Wrong at least in his eyes, of course. And mom's.

"Where have you been? I was worried sick!"

"I'm not in the mood Topper, goodnight." I made my way to open the door.

"(Y/N), I'm serious, where have you been? You can't just walk around alone at night."

"I was at John B's, you know, taking care of the mess you made."

"Oh John B, of course."

"What is your problem?" I walked back to stand in front of him, "No, wait, let me be more specific, what is your problem with John B?"

He rolled his eyes at my question and at the sarcasm dripping out of it.

"He's a Pogue, you shouldn't be hanging around with him or his friends. They're reckless and will get you in trouble!"

"Have you ever thought that maybe you and your asshole friends are the trouble? Why can't you and just leave them alone?" My voice was getting louder but I didn't care, I was losing all my patience with Topper and even more with all the Pogues vs. Kooks bullshit.

"They ask for it most of the time."

"Oh, find another excuse, Topper!"

I made my way to the door again.


"Leave me alone! Jesus, you're just like mom." and with that, I finally entered the house and went straight to my room, going to sleep mad, instead of content as I intended to when John B was in my head.

The next morning my mood wasn't any better than from the night before. The fight with Topper was still ringing in my head and I definitely wasn't looking forward to face him and deal with his bullshit. I forced myself to push those thoughts away as I rolled around in my bed, John B finally putting a shy smile back on my face when his appeared in my head. I really wanted to see him again and hopefully as soon as possible.

I got ready for the day, intending on stopping by the chateau to check on the Pogues. I still felt really bad for letting my brother and his poor choice of friends swing their fists on them, mostly John B and JJ, so I wanted to make sure they were ok. And, obviously, keep my promise on taking the freckled boy on a date, hoping he hadn't changed his mind about me because of what happened the night before.

I got down to the kitchen to grab something to eat before leaving and the small amount of enthusiasm I had for the day vanished as soon as I locked eyes with Topper, who was leaning on the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal.

"Hey." he said, quietly.

I unconsciously sighted in response, as if showing that I wasn't in the mood to talk to him any time soon. I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and a bottle of juice from the fridge, already planning on eating on my way to the Cut just so I could eat in peace.

"(Y/N)." I ignored him again, "Look, I'm sorry, ok? I really am, please stop ignoring me."

I turned around to face him with impatience.

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