Mister Nice Lips | JJ

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"I need a boyfriend."

Five pairs of eyes shifted in (y/n)'s direction, some holding confusion and others curiosity at her weird, random and unexpected statement.


Pope's vague answer made (y/n) realize she probably looked like a lunatic just standing there, so she sat down and gave her friends some context.

"Remember that guy that tried to make conversation with Kie the other night? When we were eating outside?"

The boys, plus Sarah, nodded.

"Making conversation is putting it lightly." Kiara chuckled humorlessly, rolling her eyes at the memory of the incident.

"Yeah, how did you get that douche to leave you alone, he seemed pretty invested." John B asked.

"All I had to do was tell him I was with Pope, because apparently guys only leave you alone when you're someone else's property already." she made air quotes while saying those last words, disgust present in her tone.

"Yup, that's why I need a boyfriend. Asap." (y/n) added.

"You think he's going to try his luck with you next?" Sarah asked.

"I don't think, he's already on my ass."


"Yeah, and no matter how many times I tell him to leave me alone and that I'm not interested he won't quit, so, I guess I need another guy to make him get the fucking hint."

"Wait," JJ intervened, starting to feel really uncomfortable with the idea of his best friend being harassed, "when did this start?"

"Yesterday." she answered, "I noticed him when I was teaching surf class and then when I was getting ready to leave he approached me and started going all irresistable macho on me like he did with Kie."

"Wow." Pope commented, caressing Kie's hand in a conforting gesture.

"So, who wants to be my boyfriend for a few hours?" (y/n) asked while wearing the softest smile she could manage to potentially convince one of her friends to save her.

"Well, it's not like there are many options." Sarah commented, looking directly at JJ, who blushed and awkwardly tried to hide it.

"What? Why me?"

John B tossed a fry at the blonde.

"Because the douche now knows Kie has Pope, and I'm sure he only didn't hit on Sarah because we're always together."

JJ turned to (y/n), hoping he didn't look as anxious as he felt.

"You really think he'll leave you alone if he thinks you're dating someone else?"

"It worked with Kie." she stated.

"I'm not exactly a relationship kinda guy, y'know, I don't know how to do boyfriend stuff."

"Just do what you usually do." Pope suggested, the shadow of a smirk over his lips.

"What? What does he do?" (y/n) asked, clearly lost at Pope's insinuation. JJ managed to shoot him a warning glare to keep his mouth shut.

"I think he means it would be easy for you guys to fake a relationship." Sarah helped, smiling at the confused girl.

"Still not sure what that means, but," (y/n) turned to JJ, "you sure you don't mind?"

The boy adjusted himself in his seat and started to play with his lighter, an excuse to avoid looking at her, still afraid she would notice how eager he was to pretend to be her boyfriend. To have a shot at knowing what it was like to date his long time crush, even if it was fake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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