So Safe | Pogues / JJ

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"Ew, John B, get that fish away from me." Kiara complained, making a disgusted face and scooting away from where the boy swung the hooked fish.

"Relax, Kie, it's not gonna kill you." he fought back.

"Well, I will kill you if you don't put that thing back in the water."

"Ah, another lovely and peaceful day with our friends." (Y/N) exclaimed sarcastically, laying her head back on JJ's shoulder after taking a glance at what Kiara and John B's banter was about.

Pope laughed in agreement and looked at Kiara, wondering if he should do or say something to try and put her in a better mood.

Is not that John B had planned a whole fishing trip, he just got bored and decided to grab the fishing rod forgotten on the boat and see what he could catch, just for fun. But Kiara wasn't having it, while JJ, Pope and (Y/N) pretty much ignored their friend's weird and sometimes somewhat questionable actions. JJ was sharing his blunt with (Y/N) as they both leaned against the side of the boat, eyes closed, allowing the sun, the soft rocking of the boat and the weed to let them enjoy some much deserved relaxation after a busy day of working around the island. Pope had his face buried in a book and would sometimes share his point on the conversation between his friends.

"Hey, let's make a bet." JJ said, out of nowhere after a few minutes of silence between the five friends.

"Oh no. Last time that happened I saw John B's ass. I was never the same after that." (Y/N) complained.

"Hey, it's a nice ass."

"I still have nightmares, JB. Not dreams, nightmares."

"Yeah, once I had sleep paralysis and I saw John B's ass too."

"JJ, since when do you have sleep paralysis?" Pope asked, his attention now fully on the blonde Pogue.

"I don't know, man, but it happened." Then he pointed to John B, "And it's definitely not a nice ass, dude."

"So, what are we betting?" John B finally changed the topic of the conversation.

"I bet you $20 you can't catch three fishes in under ten minutes."

"Only $20?" John B chuckled.

"Tips were wack today, bro."

"And you're still gonna waste it on a stupid bet?" (Y/N) asked, turning her head to stare at JJ sternly, not happy that we would risk the little money he had on a bet, even if the chances of him losing were low.

"Oh, come on (Y/N), I'm not gonna waste it. He won't win."

"I'll do it. And I'll win." John B stood back up, grabbed his fishing rod and stood on the edge of the boat, ready to swing the hook into the water.

"This is stupid and irresponsible. On so many levels."

"Pope's right. And please, if you catch any, put them on the other side of the boat, away from me, thank you very much." Kiara said, as she put her earbud back on and let herself travel to her musical world, leaving the other Pogues to witness John B fail miserably as, ten minutes later, he caught a total of zero fish.

"Guess you get to keep your wack tips after all." Pope commented, turning his attention back to his book.

"Told ya." JJ turned to (Y/N) and flicked her nose, making her playfully slap his hand away with a chuckle.

"Ah, fuck."

They heard John B say from where he still stood on the edge of the boat.

"What now, dumbass?" Kiara took off her earphones and put it in her bag, apparently being done with her music and joining in on the mocking with her friends.

"The rod, it fell on the water and it's drifting away. Shit."

"Dude, there are sharks in this area."

"It'll be fine, Kie." he answered, as he got ready to jump into the water.

"Hey, John B!" (Y/N) called him before he could jump, "Be safe."

She used one of the inside jokes she and her friends shared, which earned a laugh from JJ and Pope while Kiara rolled her eyes, already done with the joke.

"Hilarious, (Y/N), hilarious." the freckled Pogue answered sarcastically before diving into the water.

"That wasn't very safe." Pope commented jokingly, his gaze still on the spot where John B was a few seconds ago.

"Right? Rude."

"Hey," JJ got (Y/N)'s attention, putting on a fake serious expression and grabbing her hand, "I would be safe for you. So safe."

(Y/N) mirrored the committed acting but soon broke into a fist of laughter, being joined by JJ and Pope. Kiara just stared at them, shaking her head but not being able to hold back a smile.

After John B got back on the boat, intact with no sight of shark bites and a rescued fishing rod, they all decided to call it a day and go to The Wreck, in hopes Mr. Carrera would be in a good mood and give them some leftover food.

After having a surprisingly nice dinner, they all parted ways, aside from JJ and John B who were both heading to the chateau. While saying their goodbyes and starting to make their ways to go home, JJ called out for (Y/N), making her turn around.

"Be safe."

The girl laughed and the boy got a smack on the head from John B, who couldn't help but laugh too at his idiot friends.

"You too, bubba. And I mean it."

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