Whiny Bitch (Part 1) | John B

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It was unusual for me to not feel like going to a party, but that night I was running low on patience, and Topper was to blame. I loved my brother, but he could really get on my nerves sometimes, and our mom, having him as the favorite kid who, unlike me, acted like the stuck up spoiled Kook they liked him to be, didn't help at all.

"Why do you even wanna go to that kegger? I thought you hated Pogues."

"I do, but Sarah wants to go."

I rolled my eyes at him. I was good friends with Sarah, but the way my brother was obsessed with her made me cringe and I honestly don't know how she dealt with him.

"So why do I have to go? And with you? I thought I made it clear that I don't like your friends."

"You can do whatever you want when we get there, and mom's not letting me take the car if you're not coming."

"Why do you want to take the car?", I was just trying to annoy him at this point. Topper sighted, trying to keep calm.

"Because I'm picking up Sarah and Rafe, his car broke down and Ward won't let him use his."

After a few more minutes of going back and forth, I ended up agreeing to go, still not into the all party mood though.

The car ride to the beach was tedious. Topper and Rafe wouldn't talk about anything else other than cars and the gym, and Sarah tried to make small talk with me and would smile sympathetically at me after she realized I was there against my will. She knew I had a short temper when it came to her boyfriend and an even shorter one with her brother, she understood that and her soothing energy was making me relax and actually tolerate the two guys.

Arriving at the beach, I instantly relaxed with the atmosphere around. I always admired the Pogues, especially the younger generation, even though they lived in poor conditions and had so much to worry about when it came to jobs and surviving, they were still able to actually have fun and enjoy life to the fullest. I had everything I needed to have all that, without the concern of not having enough to survive, but the Kook life was so conservative and demanding that it became boring and sometimes I felt like I lived in box where I had my entire life planned out and I would be damned if I tried to change it one bit. Out of all the luxuries I had, freedom wasn't one of them and it was the thing I craved the most.

I smiled when I saw a small group of Pogues, the ones I knew the best around the Cut. I used to be good friends with Kiara, along with Sarah, and even though we still talked we weren't as close as before, since she and Sarah stopped talking a few years ago, which to this day I still didn't know why. I loved the friendship Kiara had with the other three boys, who I encountered multiple times at the Wreck and even had dinner with them once or twice. John B has always been my favorite out of the three boys, not only because, besides Kie, he was the only one who accepted my presence shrugging off the fact that I was a Kook (not that I blamed JJ and Pope for being more doubtful, they had their fair share of unpleasant encounters with my brother before), but also because there was just something about him that pulled me in There was a nice energy about him that gave the comfort and somewhat freedom I've always craved while living on Figure Eight. John Booker Routledge was a wave of fresh oceanic air on my expensive perfume like life, and I loved that.

I started making my way to them, ignoring the calls from Topper asking why the hell I was walking towards the Pogue side of the beach. I heard Sarah telling him to just leave me and to go grab them some drinks.

"Hey guys!", I said as I stood next to Kie.

"(Y/N)!", she hugged me, noticeably already tipsy, "How are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?", I hugged her back, laughing, and I caught Pope's concerned eyes on the girl. I wasn't sure if it was because of my presence or because of Kiara's state. I hoped for the latter.

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