I'm Hotter Than Him | Rafe

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Sarah had invited me to a movie night at her house and I had gladly accepted. Not only was she my best friend, I was also looking forward to seeing Rafe. We were secretly dating and I missed him. He had been busy lately because Ward was taking him to meetings and conferences with him, and so, knowing he would be home, I was more than happy to spend time with him, eventually.

I was sitting on the couch waiting for Sarah to come back with some snacks and I was too distracted scrolling through my phone to notice someone approaching me from behind. I assumed it was my best friend so I didn't bother turning around, but the lips I felt my neck told me otherwise and I giggled with the unexpected gesture.

"Hi there.", Rafe mumbled, his mouth still glued to my skin.

"Hi.", I caressed his hair, "You know, your sister can show up any second and this isn't very discreet."

"Well, you should've come to say hi when you arrived, and I missed you, so now deal with it."

"You're the one who hasn't been around the past few days.", I turned my head a little to try and take a look at my boyfriend's face.

"You know that wasn't my fault.", he kissed my lips quickly.

"I know, I'm just messing with you."

He smiled and kissed me again but we were soon interrupted by Sarah's voice from the kitchen.

"(Y/N), Oreos or Chips Ahoy?"

"Uhm, both?"

"Why did I even bother asking?", she laughed as she entered the living room, making Rafe pull away from me and support himself on the back of the couch with his hands near my shoulders. Despite being in the dark about our relationship, Sarah didn't act much surprised at our proximity, already being used to us being close.

Rafe and I became good friends around the same period that Sarah and I did and I was one of the few people that wasn't afraid to call him out on his reckless and overall stupid actions and atittude, something that caught him off guard at first but, as time went by, he started to come to me whenever he was having trouble dealing with his issues. To be honest, I was really surprised with myself with how much I could put up with him and actually bother to try and help him, maybe because I knew he needed someone like that in his life and I hated how Ward treated him. It was clear that Sarah was the favorite kid and Rafe was just a messy disappointment in his eyes, I always tried to remind myself of that whenever he did drugs or picked a fight with someone because I was aware that it was the only way he knew how to cope with things. I would be lying if I said I never felt scared of him and what he was capable of doing, but never acted aggressively or rude towards me and I knew he tried to be better when I was around.

"Ok, Rafe, piss off, we're going to watch a movie.", Sarah said as she sat down beside me.

"What if I want to stay?", he answered, crossing his arms. I immediately glared at him, as in telling him to control his tone and be nice to his sister.

"As long as you keep your mouth shut, it's whatever."

Rafe sat down next to me, leaving me in between him and Sarah, who started the movie and passed me a small bowl of salted popcorn and left the cookies on the coffee table in front of us.

Throughout the movie, I noticed that Rafe was surprisingly paying attention to it and he seemed to be enjoying it, which made me smile, seeing him so unusually relaxed.

"I need to know the name of that actor, he's so fine.", Sarah commented, her gaze focused on the tv screen, almost drooling over the guy appearing on it.

"Right? Where did that piece of heaven come from?"

We kept on going back and forth commenting on the guy's good looks whenever he appeared and I noticed a certain someone sighting annoyingly.

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