The Bitchy Twin | JJ

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I reminded myself everyday about the fact that JJ and I were breaking possibly the first rule imposed amongst us Pogues: no Pogue-on-Pogue macking. John B, Pope and Kiara were totally oblivious to our forbidden macking that has been going on for almost two months now. I couldn't exactly say that we were dating, mostly because we never discussed the status of whatever we had. I just knew that after a drunken kiss at a kegger we couldn't get enough of each other and had been secretly hooking up. Another thing that reminded me about that useless rule was my twin sister, Avery. Twin, but the complete opposite of my being. Even though she didn't really hang out with us, she knew about our rules and she was also in the dark about what was going on between me and the blonde Pogue, that's why my eyes were burning holes in her skull as I watch her flirt with JJ, who, bless his soul, looked confused and lost, not knowing what to do or say, and I couldn't do anything about it because I should have no reason to be jealous. Apparently. Because nobody knew we were sort of a thing and it would be weird and suspicious to be jealous, even though I was aware that I wasn't hiding it very well. One of the many disadvantages of macking in secret was that I still had to watch JJ flirt with other people, if that didn't happen then it would be clear that something was wrong. JJ Maybank not flirting with a pretty girl at a party? Unusual, not to say out of this world, so I just had to deal with it and pretend it didn't bother me. One thing that put my mind at ease though was knowing that he didn't hook up with anyone else, something I worried about at first because I knew he wasn't fond of commitment, but I wasn't blind to the way he looked at me, differently from his random hook ups, from any goddess look alike touron he used to drool over. He showed me plenty of times that I wasn't just another hook up or a fuck buddy. There were feelings there, we just didn't really know what to do with them or how to talk about them, so, we just macked on each other.

We were all hanging out at The Wreck as we waited for Kie's shift to end so we could all go to the beach. Avery decided to join us, saying she would meet up with some of her friends at the beach too and would hang with us while she waited for them to arrive. I regretted letting her come along because now I had to witness my dear sister shamelessly flirt with JJ, caressing him in ways that were making me gag and talking about shit nobody cared about, John B's eye rolls and Pope's pressed lips making that very clear. I was too busy murdering my twn with my eyes to notice my blonde best friend stealing glances at me for help. He was almost as uncomfortable as Pope, that meant he was really, really desperate. That wouldn't be the case if we weren't "together". He would flirt back, for sure, not giving a shit about her being his best friend's twin sister. But watching the scene in front of me, somehow that comforted me, meaning he respected me enough considering we weren't officially together and never established a commitment. But yeah, Avery was still getting on my nerves, for "no reason".

"Alright guys, I'm done, we can go."

Kie's voice snapped me out of my mental assassination and I heard John B and Pope sight n relief, knowing they could finally get away from the annoying brunette version of myself. JJ was the first one to stand up, saying he had to use the restroom before we could go, but we all knew it was just to take a break from Avery. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister, but she can be a handful sometimes. She had an attitude that got on people's nerves a lot of times and it was hard for her to understand and respect limits, no matter how many times I called her out, she thought she was right and that it was other people's fault. I hated that about her. She was also the kind of person that would hit on guys knowing they were taken, so, imagine if she knew JJ and I had a thing... yeah, she wouldn't care and yes, she would do that to me. Avery was the pettiest of petty and could be a total bitch, sometimes I couldn't believe we shared our mom's womb.

We all decided to step outside and wait for JJ near the van. Pope caught up with me on out way there and whispered.

"I know she's your sister and we're supposed to like her, but please, don't bring her with you ever again."

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