The three times she felt insecure | JJ

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I'm so sorry for the shitty ending, I spent the whole afternoon writing this and I was pretty much just procastinating at the end. Hope you still like it tho


The Boneyard. Loud music, people having fun, spilled drinks on the sand and an occasional couple making out somewhere. She watched from her seat on the sand her friends drinking with other Pogues and some Tourons. It was usually like this, at some point during the party she would excuse herself and sit alone somewhere when no one seemed to acknowledge her presence anymore. The reason? Social anxiety and the fact she didn't drink. She didn't like the taste of alcohol, the taste of it being absolutely disgusting to her. Especially beer. That alone was enough for her to feel left out, I mean, going to a party and not drink? Unusual. So, as soon as she caught her friends crossing the line of tipsy and starting to hang out with people she didn't know, she would step away and enjoy her own company. As nice as it may sound, her anxiety said otherwise, her mind making her believe she was stupid and boring. She felt stupid and boring. She sat there wondering why her friends ever bothered to invite her to those keggers seeing as she wouldn't even accept a drink and was too socially awkward to dance with random people, even if with the squad around. She was certain it was just out of pity.

She tried to keep an enjoyable expression as she watched her blonde best friend chug down his drink while crossing his arm with the arm of another girl, a touron, she could tell. She was really pretty and for sure knew how to have fun at a party, if her beauty didn't turn heads, her outgoing personality sure did. She felt even more stupid for feeling jealous of a girl she didn't even knew. She wanted to be like her, she wanted to be cool and extrovert enough to be able to drink with her arm crossed with his best friend's.

JJ was the only one who knew about the girl's anxious behaviors like the one she was pulling out now, so he would take a glance at her every once in a while to make sure she was ok. Part of him wanted to stay with his best friend but he knew she would just make him go back to the Pogues and have fun, like she always does, stating he wouldn't have any with her. But she was wrong.


"Let me do some calculations real quick." Pope said as he got up to grab a piece of paper and a pencil.

Kiara looked at John B in disbelief, "Are you serious?"

"Ok, so, that boat's about 30 feet down, so it'll take 25 minutes at that depth, which means you need to make your safety stop at about ten feet." as Pope spoke, Kiara got up, "All right? For two minutes."

"Yeah, yeah, ten feet, two minutes. Got it." John B answered.

All four of us looked at where Kiara dived into the water, confused with her move.

"What was that all about?" Pope asked.

"I don't know, but I liked it. A lot." JJ commented, still staring at the water.

That comment was probably just something innocent coming from a horny teenager who just enjoys seeing girls in a bikini, but she couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart at the blonde pogue's words. Unlike Kie, she was still wearing her clothes, her mother's words from earlier about her weight gain still haunting her mind. Deep down she knew there was nothing wrong with how she looked, but ignoring her mom's irrelevant opinion was easier said than done. She took a quick glance at JJ and subconsciously tried to pull down the end of her crop top to cover a bit of her stomach.

"All righty." Pope got up as well as John B to help him with the scuba gear.

"Uh, so, yeah uh, when you're down there you look for the cargo hold. You stick this thing inside and twist and pull, ok?" JJ explained as Kiara stepped out of the water and climbed back into the boat.

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