Coastal Venture (part II) | JJ

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.. season 2 spoilers ..

Rafe held (Y/N)'s hand in an uncomfortable tight grip, something she thought was useless because she had given up on trying to escape. She had accepted that her ex-boyfriend pretty much kidnapped her, so her plan was to meet with Sarah inside the ship, most importantly make sure she was ok, and eventually come up with a plan together to go back to the Pogues.

"Pain in the ass to get this." Rafe commented and laughed along with the other crew members of the ship as they watched the huge wooden box being lifted. She sent a disgusted look his way, extremely annoyed at how easy it was for him to get anything, to get away with everything.

The girl heard a car door close not far behind her and she had to hold herself in place to not take off running towards Sarah, who still looked weak and unable to walk on her own. A short tug on her hand made her look at Rafe, who smiled at her, probably with the intention of calming her down or showing he was trying to be nice. She only felt like crying again, wanting nothing more than to go home. To go back to the Pogues. To JJ.


"All I'm saying is that there was an explosion in the shipyards. Where'd that come from, huh?" the captain looked back at Rafe, "I wouldn't put it past these assholes, man. You don't know them. They could've gotten on the ship."

She was leaning against the same table as Rafe, who stood beside her. If she wasn't so tired and emotionally drained she would've called him out of talking about her friends like that. She couldn't understand how he could possibly expect her to fall for him again if he would talk shit about her friends. But then again, what did Rafe know about relationships? But his words gave her hope that maybe, almost sure, the Pogues had gotten on the ship. Pope wanted the cross back, John B needed to save Sarah and she was sure JJ wouldn't allow Rafe to get away with kidnapping her.

"Listen, why not make sure? What's it gonna hurt?"

The captain ended up taking Rafe's advice and told his crew members to go look for stowaways. She was just hoping that, if they were in fact on the ship, that they would choose not to be dumb. Or at least to be the kind of dumb that actually saved them multiple times.


After a quick showoff of the cross Rafe so proudly claimed was his big rescue to save his family, he led her and Wheezie to a room where he said she could finally see Sarah, an information that calmed her nerves a bit. If she had to suffer, at least let her have a friend with her. What she didn't expect though was to find Sarah in the company of someone who wasn't supposed to be there. Or so she thought. Ward glanced at his other two kids and sent her an unsettling, welcoming smile. She didn't feel welcomed there. She wasn't even supposed to be there. Sarah thought the same, as she looked up at her friend in confusion.

(Y/N)'s body felt limp, the sudden information that Ward wasn't, after all, dead taking a huge tool on her. She couldn't imagine what Sarah was feeling, but her agonized features showed that the blonde girl would rather jump off the ship than having to sit with her liar of a father.

"Sweetie, what I need you to understand more than anything is that I never imagined that you would be there." Sarah shook her head in disbelief, "I wanted to call you immediately to tell you that I was okay to explain it all. It broke my heart that I couldn't." He's so full of shit, (Y/N) thought, "But I had to make sure Rafe got away."

Hearing those words just made her hatred for the Cameron family grow.

"Thank you, dad." both Sarah and (Y/N) looked at Rafe, a mixture of repulsive emotions consuming them, "At least one of us is grateful."

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