Dead Calm | JJ

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She couldn't take her eyes off of the gash on JJ's temple. Barry had hit him harder than they thought, and all because the blonde stepped in front of her in protection when the dealer told them to get down after yelling at the Pogues to get out of the van. No amount of complaining would make him give up on getting into shit just to defend her, it only ended up in fights, JJ calling her a hypocrite, because she always did the exact same thing with him. She knew he was right, but she refused to let him go home only for his dad to yell at him about getting into trouble instead of focusing on building a proper future so his son wouldn't end up like him. Even if that meant also being yelled at by her own father, the difference was that she would go to bed with bruises as punishment for being irresponsible. She never told anyone that, not even JJ, who was the closest to her. The Pogues knew she didn't have an easy relationship with her dad, her only family, but they didn't know about the abuse. They couldn't know. They shouldn't even dream of it. They thought her attitude was just a result of her dad being hard on her, just like JJ's, and she preferred to keep it that way. What they didn't know couldn't hurt them, even if that meant being the one beaten up in the process of hiding it.

"(Y/N)?" Kiara's voice brought her back to reality, "Are you ok?"

They all glanced at her at Kie's question. She looked out the window to check where they were driving to, calling for John B before he could take a right turn.

"John B, go left instead."

"What? Why?" he asked, confused.

"Just do it, please."

Her voice was cold, almost emotionless. JJ tried to meet her gaze, only to grow even more concerned for his best friend. She had that look on her face, a look he didn't appreciate very much. She was beyond mad and was about to do something really stupid and, like so many times before, he would have to witness the girl break after doing said stupid thing.

"Dude, why are we at Barry's?" Kie asked, getting more agitated trying to understand why (Y/N) would make them drive there.

John B parked the Twinkie right outside the trailer they assumed Barry lived at.

"I'll be right back, it shouldn't take long." the girl slid the door open and got out of the van, walking into the trailer.

"Someone should probably..." Pope started but JJ interrupted, knowing exactly what he had to do.

"Yup, I got it." the blonde went after the girl, an unsettling feeling growing inside his chest. He followed her inside where she was already looking through cabinets and looking under furniture, "Hey, what's the plan?"

"It should be here somewhere. I know it is."

"(Y/N) what're you talking about?"

She moved to another room and JJ followed her, having the urge to keep an eye on her, paying special attention to her behavior. She was impulsive and no one ever knew what she would do next, and it only got worse when she was mad.

"I'm getting even, JJ." she answered, throwing blankets and clothes to the floor while looking through the wardrobe, "If they think it's ok to steal from us then it should be ok to steal from them too, right?"


"Bingo." she mumbled, grabbing the duffel bag from the top shelf of the wardrobe. She moved it to the bed to open it and smiled triumphantly when she saw the cash inside. Just what she was looking for.

"(Y/N), come on, this is a bad idea."

"Is it, JJ? 'Cause I think it's more than fair."

After taking some of the money from the bag and leaving it on the bed, making quick calculations on how much Barry stole from them so it would be even, she made her way out, once again being followed by JJ while he tried to talk her out of her plan.

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