I Still Got You | Rafe

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"Where do you want me to go?" Rafe asked Ward, as he watched his father walk away from him, tears threatening to fall, "Dad!"

His voice sounded broken, the sight of his father leaving him behind, discarding him like that, being too much to handle. The boy took a look back at Barry, still laying on the ground in pain, then he looked at the money laying around near him. So much for wanting his dad to trust him. He had fucked up, bad. Once again.

Rafe walked away from Barry's house, no longer able to hold his tears. He wasn't sure where he was heading, the look of disappointment and disgust of his father not leaving his mind, which made it hard for him to focus or think about anything else. He wasn't sure for how long he had been walking for, but, even in the poorly illuminated street, the familiar house around the corner didn't go unnoticed by him. (Y/N). The girl he regretted letting go. The girl who did everything she could to help him, until she couldn't anymore. That quote that says something about not valuing something until you lose it? Rafe, someone who had everything he wanted since birth, never really put much thought into that, but when he lost (Y/N), it was all he could think about. It hadn't been that long since the break up, but the feelings never vanished and the sight of her house was just a reminder of that. And he wanted to see her again. He needed to see her

(Y/N)'s POV

My phone screen lit up my room as I scrolled through it, laying in my bed trying to rest my tired legs from standing on heels the entire day. I hated working with my mom at the club, mostly because I couldn't just show up in my regular clothes and be myself, no, I had to go full business woman and please everyone with my looks and fake nice tone. My mom was basically turning me into her and I couldn't stand it. But the worst part was that I couldn't do anything about it, not until I had my own independence and was stable enough to get the hell out of that place and my mom's shadow. Possibly get out of town too.

A tap on my window took me out of my mental complaining, scaring me a bit. I was a bit confused about who the hell would be knocking in my window seeing as I didn't have many friends. Most of them were also friends with Rafe and since we broke up I didn't really hang out with them anymore. Could it be him? A thought I quickly pushed away, because it couldn't be. Why would he come to me now? Did he finally put his pride aside and decided to accept my help? He knew it was too late for that. What he didn't know, though, was that unfortunately I still loved him and if he did show up in my room in the middle of the night, I would let him in. But that's stupid, it's not him. I got up from my bed and took cautious steps towards the window. At that point, I wasn't sure if I was more scared or curious. I could make out a masculine figure outside, the post lamps not doing much of their job at illuminating the street, but something about said figure seemed familiar. I opened the window cautiously, keeping my mind alerted in case that person was just a random creep. Why am I doing this anyway? Am I that miserable with my life right now that I'll gladly open the window to a robber? Guess so. But what crossed my head when I saw who really was outside wasn't panic, neither was relief. I wasn't sure what it was. Confusion? Surprise? Both or nothing, I didn't know. Seeing Rafe again used to be just a random unrealistic thought and there he was, staring at me with tear stained cheeks, looking as broken as I last saw him. I decided it was best to just let him in and ask questions later. I sighed deeply and opened the window fully.

"Come in."

My voice was weak, as if I was the one who had been crying, as if I was having a hard time believing he was actually there. Here.

I made my way back to sit on my bed as he climbed into my room, closing the window behind him and then he just stood there, not making eye contact and not knowing what to do next. I don't think I had ever seen him so lost, so vulnerable. Whatever happened must've been bad because that was a version of Rafe I'd never met and, no matter how much anger I held for him, seeing him like that was actually breaking my heart. He was breaking my heart once again. I took a deep breath to try and calm down my beating heart before I finally broke the unsettling silence in my room.

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