Power | JJ

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Hey I'm back in the OBX we should meet up! Xo

Those words sent to (Y/N)'s phone were the reason her laughter from JJ's joke died down. She read the text as if all of a sudden she couldn't understand English and checked the name of the sender countless times to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. Anxiety started to make itself noticed and not even the water drops falling from the tips of her hair over the phone screen could break her from her panicked state. Why is she back and what the hell does she want with me now?

Sophia Ferguson, (Y/N)'s first friend throughout her entire childhood and the main cause of her present trauma. Fear of heights from when she got locked out on the balcony? Sophia's fault. Fear of spiders from when she woke up to one on her forehead during a sleepover? Sophia's fault. Insecurity to give her own opinion and speak her mind from being told to shut up and that she never knew what she was talking about? Sophia's fault. Hatred for her body for constantly being compared to her friends? Sophia's fault. Trust issues? Sophia's fault. Everything that was supposed to mold (Y/N) into the person she is now came from Sophia's toxic behaviors, that only when she left town to go live with her mother and (Y/N) found herself freed from her, did she realise how much she had suffered, silently, in the hands of the girl she considered her best friend. She missed out on so many good things that could've gone her way just to please Sophia, who treated her more like a doll who she could play with when she was bored instead of a real friend, who blindly did everything she craved just to be accepted. That, and because the Ferguson girl made sure to remind her that she was her first friend ever and she owed her that. So (Y/N) never left her, even when all she wanted to do was cry when Sophia's brothers would make fun of her and she would just laugh along, even when she would go along with her plans knowing she would get in trouble when she got home. She stayed until the damage couldn't be reversible and now all those memories were coming back. Sophia had the power of controlling her emotions even when she was away and (Y/N) could finally say she had had enough.

"(Y/N/N), you ok?" John B's worried voice brought her focus back to the Pogues, now all staring at her with concern and curiosity.

"Yeah." she answered in a low tone, locking her phone and putting it away. She smiled at her friends, trying to go back to appreciate the nice day they were having out on the HMS Pogue, but no one bought her attempt of reassurance, especially JJ, who put down the fishing net and went to sit down beside her, not bothering to understand the concept of personal space. He studied her profile looking out into the sun beginning to set and tried to read her emotions without getting distracted by her beauty.

"What?" (Y/N) asked, after noticing everyone still looking at her.

"What's wrong?" JJ asked, nudging her knee with his own.


JJ rolled his eyes and Kie asked.

"You sure?"

"Yes." her simple and assertive answer made the Pogues understand it wasn't the time to push her to talk. Whatever it was, she needed time to process it and, whenever she felt ready, she would talk. Not with them though, but with JJ. He was the one she would always vent to and then the boy would succinctly tell them what the issue was, without ever crossing her privacy by keeping out details and the story low key. He would never do anything that would risk losing her trust.

(Y/N) could still feel JJ's eyes on her and, with a slight nudge of their knees, she reassured him.

"We'll talk later, ok? I promise."

"Damn right."

He threw his arm around her shoulders and pulled her to him, ruffling her half dried hair and comfortingly kissed the top of her head.

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