That Damn Party (part II) | Rafe

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The night wasn't as peaceful as Rafe had hoped after the messy party, that's why as soon as the sun started to shine through the blinds of the window, he decided to get up. He took a glance at the girl still sleeping beside him and he smiled, relieved that even if his days weren't always bright that at least, at the end of those days, he could always go to her for some needed love and care. The boy kissed her forehead lightly to not wake her up and left the room, heading to the kitchen.

Still going down the stairs, loud bangs on the front door startled Rafe and he quickly made his way to open the door so whoever was banging on it at that indecent hour wouldn't wake (Y/N) up.

"Barry? What the hell are you doing here, man?" he asked, stepping outside. Whatever the reason the drug dealer decided to show up at his house, it for sure wasn't a good one, so it was best to not create a commotion inside, especially with (Y/N) upstairs.

"So, country club, here's the thing." the man started, "I heard from a little birdy that there were some goodies going around here last night." Barry smiled sarcastically, "But the thing is, I don't remember selling anything to any of your country club bitches but, somehow, some of my storage went missing. What a coincidence, don't you think, country club?"

Rafe knew exactly who he was talking about and even though he had nothing to do with what happened at the party, he was still growing scared of Barry already knowing about it, even more so because his girlfriend had the unfortunate luck of having a taste of those drugs and he feared he would do something to her.

"It wasn't me, man. I've told you I'm not into that shit anymore, so why would I steal from you?" he answered, not daring to look him in the eye.

Barry laughed, still not believing that his favorite Kook client, who once showed up at his place crying and begging for cocaine, wasn't doing it anymore. It was a joke to him.

"I don't care what shit you're sniffing now, or if you're doing it or not," the dealer grabbed Rafe by the collar of his shirt, "I just wanna know who the fuck stole from me, because if he was here last night it for sure is one of your bitches."

"I don't know who it is, ok?" he raised his voice a bit, doing his best to hide his fear. Not for him, but for the girl who he hoped was still sleeping peacefully in his room, "I know there were drugs around last night but it wasn't me or any of my friends, alright? Some fucker..." his voice trembled, "Some fucker drugged my girlfriend, alright? I don't know who he was, I've never seen him around, but he was selling some stuff here and he drugged my girl. I had Topper and Kelce take care of him."

Barry, ignoring Rafe's explanation, smiled at the mention of (Y/N).

"Your girl, uh? Is that hot stuff of yours here?"

He knew even talking about her was enough to set the Cameron boy on edge, but Rafe wouldn't give him the satisfaction of showing his weak side.


The boy heard his name being called from inside and his heart instantly started to race when he laid his eyes on her. Any other day, it would be from the thrill of simply seeing her, but this time it was because Barry was there and he was well aware of his weird and disgusting fascination for her, if the early comment wasn't proof enough.

"Can you just go? I swear I have no idea who this guy is."

"Hey, come on, can't I just go say hello to your girl?"

"No, you can't, leave her out of this, ok?" he answered, his voice almost growling in anger.

Rafe took a look inside and his hands started shaking even more when he noticed (Y/N) had already seen him. And Barry. She looked concerned and somewhat scared, but didn't dare go back upstairs or even take a step back.

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