The Party Trick | John B

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It was her birthday, and for the first time in many years of celebrating her birthday with the absence of her parents, she didn't feel sad or abandoned. Her parents spent more time on planes and private jets than at home, with her, and her birthdays weren't an exception, something the girl had grown used to by then, the disappointment in her heart being gradually replaced with indifference. This year, for the first time ever, she was actually excited for the special day after deciding to take advantage of having the house to herself and throw her own birthday party and celebrate with her closest friends. Or only friends really. Being a Kook didn't give you many options on what to do with that status: you either preached it and fit in, or you hated it and despised the stuck up mentally and the pointlessly expensive lifestyle. So, seeing that her closest and only friends were four always-in-trouble teenagers from the Cut, guess which one she chose.

Spending almost an hour in the basement digging through old decorations to try and give a nicer vibe to her backyard, she finally finished hanging some fairy lights over the trees by the pool. The soft music playing from the speaker and the nicely put table full of snacks and drinks made her smile in excitement for finally getting a chance of having a decent birthday, not the pity parties from previous years.

The doorbell ringing made her heart skip in excitement, which only increased when she opened the door and was greeted by four pairs of arms engulfing her in a heartwarming hug.

"Happy birthday you tiny bug!" John B said, being the last one to let go of the group hug.

"Thank you you annoying seagull!"

"Why a seagull?" he asked, chuckling.

"I don't know, it was the first thing that came to mind." she laughed along with the freckled Pogue.

She led her friends to the backyard, telling them to get comfortable on the reclining chairs by the pool as she handed each one a cocktail she had made earlier.

"Ooh, fancy." Pope commented, examining the colors and the decoration on the glass.

"It was my first time attempting to make these, hopefully it tastes as good as it looks." The girl replied, sitting on the chair next to John B's.

"Not bad," JJ said, after taking a sip of the drink, "but no offense, I think I'll stick to beer. This shit is way to Kook-y for my ego."

Kiara rolled her eyes at the blonde's words.

"It's really good (Y/N), you nailed it."

"I second that." John B added, winking at the girl beside him, who winked back and clicked her glass with his.

"Why thank you my dear friends."

After a few drinks, more specifically beer, the music was turned up and Kiara pulled the birthday girl to join in on her dancing, leaving the three boys to not so discreetly enjoy the show. Pope's eyes could be mistaken for heart shapes as he admired Kie move around with ease, elegance and a free spirit. John B didn't look much different, except his eyes couldn't leave (Y/N)'s figure swaying to the music while wearing a genuine smile that mirrored his own. That left JJ, who was hushly making fun of his friends for being so whipped but at the same time so stupid for not making a move on the girls.

"You two look really stupid right now, I hope you know that."

"Jealous you don't have anyone to look at, JJ?" John B asked, his eyes still on (Y/N).

"Nope. Got this lady right here." he answered, holding up his beer can, "You know what you two should do?"

"Not sure if I wanna know." Pope interrupted.

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