Coastal Venture (part I) | JJ

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. Season 2 spoilers .

"What is that? A dying chicken?" JJ asked John B after he poorly tried to imitate a bird.

"It's not that, it's a whistle." Pope explained, but John B ignored, getting himself ready to jump over the wall into the Cameron's property, "I'm going over." he said, and JJ and Pope joined him.
"Guys this is a bad idea, we should wait for Sarah first!" the girl whispered in an agitated tone as she watched her friends jump over the wall.

"It will be fine, (Y/N)," JJ reassured her with a tender smile, moving his head in a sign for her to join them, "come on!"
Before she could argue against it, a honking sound made everyone turn their heads to find an old man approaching them on a golf cart.

"Shit." she whispered.

"Uh, excuse me. Can I help ya?"

The sound of a gun cocking made them freeze, afraid of what could happen if they moved an inch.

"I got double-aught bucks in this thing so, uh, I can't miss." the man said, getting off the cart and taking a few steps towards the Pogues, "All right there buddy, off the wall."

The boys did as he said and, as their feet hit the ground, JJ's first instinct was to pull the girl to stand behind him.

"Sir, it's not what it seems." the blonde said, making her roll her eyes at the typical stupid excuse, especially at how useless it was in that situation.

"You guys are on the wrong side of the island."

"Shit, shit, shit." she cursed again hushly, gripping the back of her best friend's coat as if it was a stress relief object.

"I think I'm gonna call the police."

"You don't have to do that, sir."

"I'll decide for myself what I need to do."

"Sir, can I just talk to you for a minute? Just to explain."

"Oh, boy." (Y/N) murmured, sharing a worried look with Pope.

"Hey." John B whispered to his friend, who got up to go on with his plan.
"JJ..." she went to say how bad his plan could go.

"No, I got this." he reassured them, winking at the girl still behind him, silently telling her to relax and to trust him, "Sir, I know you think we're just some derelict kids from the Cut, but we weren't that to Mr. Cameron."

"Sure weren't." John B added, and the girl rolled her eyes at his use of sarcasm in that moment. Her friends had the ability to be idiots no matter the context. Even with a gun pointed at them.

"We were his yard workers, sir. We were just waiting for our yard associate, To..."

"Jay..." Pope tried.

"Tommy." the dark skinned boy murmured which actually made (Y/N) contain a laugh at her friend's attempt to collaborate.

"Tommy to get back from planting a row of flowers for Mr. Cameron's memorial."

"Keep talking." the old man said, clearly believing the lie and somehow making the girl's muscles less tense from anxiety.

The excuse as to why the four Pogues were in the Cameron's property eventually led to the boys, mostly JJ, engaging the man into a completely different topic and actually dragging a conversation. They weren't even kneeling anymore and, as they talked, the girl stood back a bit discreetly checking for any signs of Sarah.

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