That Damn Party (part I) | Rafe

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"Get that shit out of my house, man." Rafe growled, his face close to Kelce's as his hands led him outside. The dark skinned boy laughed, thinking his friend was just joking.

"Since when do you turn this down, bro?"

"Since Barry laid his filthy hands on my girl. And I promised her I would stop, so get that shit out of here, alright?" his voice trembled, the thought of the drug dealer looking his girlfriend up and down with a disgusting grin and using her to threaten him still haunting his mind.

"This isn't even from Barry." Kelce pressured, trying to walk back inside the house, but was stopped by a tight grip on his arm.

"Are you fucking listening to me?" Rafe raised his voice, catching the attention of some people around them, "I'm getting my shit together! I'm not doing that shit, not here near her, not anywhere, ok?"

"Yeah, whatever, dude, your loss." he turned around to join a group of people near the pool.

Not wanting to keep feeding people's attention towards him, Rafe just hoped his friends wouldn't try and do anything behind his back. He wouldn't forgive anyone if something happened to her again.

Going back inside, his eyes roamed the large area of the Cameron's house looking for her, who was easily spotted sitting on the staircase by herself, one hand holding a cup, the other holding her phone as she scrolled through it. Parties weren't her thing, at all, but Rafe wanted to prove to her that he could totally control himself and not resort to drugs, at least heavy ones, to have a good time or feel valid somehow. He wanted to prove that he was indeed getting his shit together, not only for him, but for her. Especially for her, the only person in that damn island who had the guts to give him a chance and offer a hand, instead of spitting on his shoes and treating him like just another drug addict.

"Hey there." he smiled genuinely for the first time that night as he crouched down in front of the girl, his arms resting on her knees. She looked up from her phone and smiled at her boyfriend.

"Hey you." she put her phone back in the pocket of her jeans and moved her hand to hold his cheek, pulling his face close so she could peck his lips.

Not satisfied with the quick contact, he moved his head forward to catch her lips again and share a proper kiss, one that made her giggle and caressed his cheek while Rafe's hands not so discreetly roamed her jean-covered thighs.

"Easy there, chief, the party just started."

He laughed and bumped his nose with hers as he answered with a smirk.

"We could start our own party somewhere else."

She rolled her eyes playfully.

"I like the idea but maybe later." she signalled for him to get up as she followed suit "Let's get you a drink, shall we?"

She grabbed his hand and led him to the kitchen.

Almost two hours into the party Rafe was, once again, looking for his girlfriend. She had left him a few minutes ago after bumping into an old friend of hers who asked her to go dance with them. That said friend didn't look very sober and he could tell the influence was definitely not just alcohol. He trusted her and he knew she would never go down that road, no matter the company. It was her friend he was concerned about. He started getting worried she would lead his girlfriend into doing things he couldn't control and he didn't want to make a scene by acting possessive or overprotective. So, the fact he was having a hard time finding her was making the wheels inside his head turn rapidly, his overthinking making it hard to think rationally.

Rafe spotted Kelce and Topper outside, on the same spot near the pool where Kelce had joined a group of people earlier. He made his way towards them and his steps quickened as soon as he saw his girlfriend's figure close to Topper who was helping her by holding her arm securely, seeing as she could barely hold herself. The look on Kelce's face was proof that something had happened.

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