Coastal Venture (part III) | JJ

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.. season 2 spoilers ..

"TJ said he saw someone."

"Alright, let's get this place searched. Star on the port side."

John B and (Y/N) were able to find their way outside. They could hear voices everywhere around them looking for stowaways but two voices in particular stood out.

"Come back here!"


It was Sarah and Ward. (Y/N) quickly glanced at John B, feeling stupid for letting such an important piece of information slip. She forgot to mention Ward was alive.

"You want them to take you?"

"I didn't ask to be here!"

The two Pogues looked over the railing to see the Camerons fighting.

"You're here and you're staying here! You're my daughter!"

"Jesus." the girl murmured, frustrated at seeing her friend having to deal with her shitty father, and took a quick look at John B to see his reaction at the sight of the man he hated the most. And who wasn't dead after all.

Sarah stormed out, she assumed she went back inside, but before she could say any word of comfort to the boy beside her, another hushed voice called them.

"Hey!" they turned around to find a very sweaty Pope, "Shit, (Y/N)!" the boy engulfed her in a hug and she contently reciprocated it, not minding the sweat.

"Jesus you scared me." John B commented.

"You ok?" Pope asked her.

"Yup, never better."


"What're you doing?" John B asked, confused at what Pope was doing there alone.

"I brought a friend."

And then he stepped aside a bit, revealing a dark skinned girl behind him.

"Cheese on bread." she exclaimed, looking directly at John B.


"So it is you."

"What the hell? What you doing here?"

"I'm so confused right now." (Y/N) whispered to Pope, as she saw Cleo and John B interact.

"What are you doing here? I work here. This is my boat." she explained, "It got too hot in Nassau because of you and Sarah. I had to run."

"It's not safe out here, we gotta go." Pope stated, turning to the Pogue girl, "Come on, I know someone else here who'll be happy to see you."

"So I've heard." she answered, smiling.

No matter how fucked up the situation they were in was, the mention of JJ and knowing she was reunited with her friends was more than enough to give her some motivation to get the hell out of that ship.


"That's the dream? Surf trip?"

"Ripping jungle break all day long." JJ answered, a dreamy look in his eyes, "Bamboo hut, cooking a fish on a fire, (Y/N)'s always talking about building a small cabin on a beach and decorating it with seashells." he smiled, the memories of his late night conversations and plan making with his best friend making him feel at ease, "And after that, you go back out and just hit the waves again."

"You're taking (Y/N) with you?", Kie asked, smirking at the blonde, who could never hide his crush in front of her. Not that he needed too. Anyone could see it.

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