The calm after the chaos | JJ

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"Alright, I'm gonna go use the bathroom and then I'll bring more beers with me from the fridge, I told you dumbasses to bring out all of them."

"You're the best, babe!" JJ called out as he watched the girl step out of the hot tub, wrap herself in a towel and head inside. He had to avert his eyes quickly to not give away his lovesick expression every time she was under his gaze.

"Yeah, I am!" she winked at him while looking over her shoulder.

As soon as her figure disappeared into the darkness inside the chateau, John B, over his friends laughing, heard another sound that didn't match their environment at that moment.

"Wait, what was that?" the freckled boy interrupted JJ's talking.

"Your chicken?" the blonde answered, rather obviously.

"No, I heard a car door."

That made the three of them look around trying to spot said car, but the lights illuminating the yard made the surroundings outside of it seem darker, which made it difficult to see anything besides pitch black.

After putting on a shirt she was sure belonged to JJ she went to grab the two packs of beers she promised to take outside, however, as she moved around the mess that was the chateau carefully to not hit any furniture or step on something, she noticed the silence coming from outside. She looked through the window to try and spot the Pogues, but there was no sight of them. What the hell are they planning now? she thought, assuming they were pranking her, again. A creak coming from the back of the house startled her, making her look around the area, waiting for either JJ or John B to jump out and attempt to scare her. She waited a few seconds, a rush of adrenaline keeping her alert. She felt proud of herself for finally dodging a scare.

"Guys, it's not worth it!" she said, her voice sounding louder due to the emptiness and quietness of the chateau.

She waited a few seconds, expecting for one of them to show himself and laugh it off with her, but the person who did, indeed, show himself wasn't either of the Pogues. It was Barry.

"What isn't worth it, sweet cheeks?" the unsettling playful tone of his voice made her take a step back, confusion taking over her features and fear consuming her system, "You here alone, baby?" he asked, looking around the area while walking towards her, as if he owned the place. Her body was against the wall after taking the remaining steps until she couldn't step back anymore. She was trapped.

"Yo, I'm talking to you, mind answering me?" Barry locked eyes with her and smirked at her panicked state, "I'm gonna ask again," the dealer held her chin in his fingers, lifting her face to study her delicate features, "are you here alone?"

She nodded, without thinking. It was only after her gesture that she realized why she couldn't spot anyone outside, they probably saw Barry arriving and either hid or ran away. Thanks for forgetting about me, assholes.

"What do you want?" after taking a deep shaking breath, she was finally able to speak.

"Oh I'm just looking for that John B friend of yours." Barry released her face and looked behind her through the window, spotting Rafe looking around, "You wouldn't happen to know where his ass is, would ya?"

She shook her head, not meeting his eye, which was probably a mistake. She was known for being a good liar, but not under stressful situations. Her nervousness and lack of confidence in her unspoken answer was enough to frustrate Barry, who grabbed her forearm and brought her close to him.

"I wouldn't lie now, ok? I don't really have time for games."

"I don't know where he is." this time, she looked him in the eye, "Like I said, I'm here alone. I don't know where he is."

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