Coastal Venture (part V) | JJ

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.. season 2 spoilers ..

"JJ you have a wound on your head and you almost drowned, you should sit, let them pull the boat."

The Pogues had caught sight of an island and decided it was their best shot at the moment. They had a lot to process and figure out, and until they could do that, it was best to have a place to rest first, so a deserted beach on an unknown island seemed like the best choice. Not that there was another one. Kiara, Sarah and Cleo were sitting under the coconut trees watching the boys bring the lifeboat to shore and also enjoying watching (Y/N) all concerned trying to convince JJ to rest. They couldn't blame her, they had never seen her so scared and so desperate.

"Woman, chill." he joked, doing the opposite of what she asked of him, "I'm fine, just spiffy."

She rolled her eyes and sighed in defeat, going to join the girls on the sand.

"Good job, guys."

"JJ, you alright there, buddy?" John B asked, as the boys made their way to join the girls.

"Yeah, still a little dizzy." he answered.

"Can you just sit down?" (Y/N) scolded, not even bothering to call him out on his bullshit of the "i'm fine" speech.

"In a minute, babe." he said, leaning on the tree next to her, gently nudging her knee with his own, "Okay, anybody know where we're at?"

"Deserted beach. Unknown island." Pope commented.

"Alright, I'll take that as a no."

Everyone went silent for a few seconds, not sure what would be the right thing to say after the situation they had gotten themselves in.

"So, I think the plan could've gone worse?" (Y/N) said in a sarcastic way, throwing the first rock to break the silence.

"Yeah, that went well." JJ agreed.

"This is the lowest we can go." Pope responded, "We literally have nothing else to lose. The cross, gone."

"The gold, gone." Sarah added.

"Seriously if we had a nickel for every time we got beat up," JJ said, as he started carving the tree with his swiss knife, "I'd say we're at a dollar fifty."

"That's more than I got on me."

"That somehow doesn't make me feel better."

"So," (Y/N), once again, broke another fat space of silence, "we have an island to ourselves? Doesn't sound that bad."

John B nodded, agreeing with her and getting up.

"Yeah." he got up, taking a look at the horizon before turning to his friends, "You know what? This is it. This is the Pogue life. We're in the Caribbean. It's our own little slice of paradise. With my best friends, with my family." everyone smiled softly as his words, not needing to say out loud that they felt the same way, "I don't know. I wouldn't wanna do it with anyone else."

"Ah, Routledge," (Y/N) got up, walking to stand next to John B, "always so corny."

He chuckled. He was already used to her jokes about his distinguished way with words, but it never got any less amusing to hear her make fun of him.

"Look, and while you guys were complaining about every little thing," the freckled Pogue walked towards JJ, pointing behind him to the waves, "I was looking at those burly lefts."

"There's some slabs out there." he answered, smirking.

"Just a few." he mirrored his smirk, then turning to the girl behind him, watching his interaction with JJ, "(Y/N), see that? I know you wanna get out there."

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