Fireman's Carry | Rafe

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Rafe couldn't take his eyes off of (y/n). His emotions were fighting within each other, adoration to see her smile and how beautiful she looked that night, and anger for having to watch three guys trying to get her attention. He wasn't sure if she would show up to the party but he definitely regretted going. Not only was he bored, the boy still had to witness his ex-girlfriend being flattered by some creeps. Dumbasses, can't see she's too good for them. Topper was being silently blamed, he was the one who insisted with Rafe to go, stating he needed to get his mind off (y/n). What Topper didn't know was that Rafe didn't want to get his mind off her. The constant thought of her was the only thing keeping him sober and out of trouble, as if her voice was recorded in his brain telling him it wasn't worth it to harm himself like that. Even though Rafe was the one who broke off the relationship, he missed her like he never missed anyone before. He still needed her and the realization of his mistake didn't take long to settle, that was why the sight of her was both comforting and painful.

The guys around (y/n) didn't seem to be planning on backing up anytime soon, not even when her expression was starting to go from polite to annoyed and she wasn't even trying to be subtle about it, hoping they would get the hint. She thought coming to the party with her best friend would be a good distraction but meeting new guys was not included in that mission. For more she wanted to move on from Rafe, she still couldn't let go of the thought of him and, honestly, she wasn't ready to replace him just yet. If she ever would be.

"Look," she snapped, a bit more rude than she intended but her patience was shrinking, "I'm really not interested so, if you guys could please just leave me alone, I would appreciate it."

"Damn, girl, chill."

"I don't need to chill, I need you to back off." she fought back, her grip tightening around her cup, almost squashing it, "I've told you many times already."

"What? Is a dance and a drink too much to ask?"

"Yes. Go away."

"You got a boyfriend or something? Is that why?" one of the guys asked, stepping too close for her comfort.

"She does."

Another male voice joined the discussion, catching all of them by surprise. The girl was the most surprised though, mostly because of who the voice belonged to. She didn't know Rafe would be at the party, considering he wasn't even close to the host, that's why she actually decided to go: she wasn't expecting to see him there. (y/n) couldn't tell if she felt more angry or sad by his close presence, it was hard to know how to react when seeing the person who broke your heart again. She knew he could very much scare the guys away and let her enjoy her drink in peace, but her pride really didn't want to let him control the situation and leaving her feeling like she owed him anything.

"No I don't." the girl deadpanned, glaring at the tall boy, who gave her a questioning look, confused at why she was denying his help.

"Aren't these guys bothering you?" said guys chuckled, clearly amused with the scene.

"They are," she glared at them, hoping they would finally get the hint, "but I can take care of it. I don't need your assistance."

Rafe moved to stand beside her and ask her under the loud music.

"What are you doing? I'm trying to help you here."

"I don't need your help." she lightly pushed him by his chest, the short space between them suffocating her, "Just go, Rafe."


"Dude, just leave." one of the boys interrupted, grining.

"Shut up, asshole."

(y/n) sighed, already knowing where the bickering would go.

"Rafe, just leave it."

"I'm not gonna sit back and let them bother you."

"Oh but you will!"

"You're making a fool of yourself, man."

"Shut up!" Rafe pushed the guy, making him stumble.

"Rafe! Stop!"

The boy started to breathe heavily, doing everything in his power to not let his anger take over and scare not only the guys but also (y/n) away. He needed air, but he didn't want to leave his ex-girlfriend behind. Especially not with them. So, he did the only thing that seemed logical in his head, considering she would for sure refuse to go with him. Rafe bend down and, in a fast motion, lifted the girl by the back of her tights and swung her over his shoulder.

"Rafe! What the fuck, put me down!"

She yelled, slapping his back. The boy didn't answer, only started making his way outside the house, ignoring the stares and weird comments and also (y/n)'s insults and smacks.

Outside, away from the entrance of the house and near his car, he finally put her down, only to be met with another expected smack on his chest.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Sorry." he whispered, running his hands through his hair trying not to give away his visibly shaking fingers.

(y/n) then noticed the way his bottom lip was trembling. Also the pacing and the fidgeting movements were indication he was on the verge of a panic attack and all the anger and annoyance built up inside her disappeared and was replaced by concern. She had seen it too many times to know what to do, and no matter how broken her heart was, it still beated enough for Rafe to make her drop all her pride and be there for him.

"Hey." she reached for his shaking hands and held them in hers, forcing him to stay fully turned her way, "Breathe in, count to five, and breathe out."

Rafe did as told, remembering the many times he had heard those instructions. He repeated it a few times until his breathing had slowed down and the tightness in his chest eased up. Avoiding all the contradictions in her head, she pulled him into a hug, the tender feeling of his face against her neck and his arms around her almost making her cry from how much she missed him.

"I'm sorry." he mumbled, voice muffled against her skin.

"It's ok. I'm sorry too."

"No, I'm sorry I broke up with you. I didn't want that. I don't... I was just..." he took another deep breath, "I was just scared. I am scared. I love you so much it's scary, I don't wanna hurt you."

"You only hurt me when you push me away, Rafe." she confessed, "I love you. Please let me help you."

He nodded his head, nuzzling it more against her neck and tightening his grip around her waist.

"Do you wanna go?" (y/n) asked.


With one last squeeze, she stepped away from him a few inches, enough to look at him, hold his face in her hands and kiss him, the feeling of having each other so close still burning strong like it never faded.

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