A perfectly chaotic match | Rafe

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"Look who just arrived!" Kelce's teasing voice made Rafe turn his attention to the doors leading to the large porch where everyone was already hanging out and making conversation. Topper had his mother's arm crossed with his, a forced smile on both faces. But who really caught the boys attention, especially Rafe's, was the girl walking right behind them. His best friend's older sister, who didn't bother to force a smile like her family, everyone was already aware of her distaste for the annual Midsummer's party so why pretend? Rafe smiled, amused by the girl's bored expression and excited to tease her about it.

They had a special relationship. She was the same age as him, and being Topper's sister made it natural for them to hang out, but, with the impulsive and sometimes unreasonable ways of Rafe Cameron and the bold attitude and painfully honest words of (Y/N) Thornton, it was also natural for them to bicker constantly, leaving everyone around them with a headache from having to put up with them. She couldn't stand him and he loved that. He couldn't keep up with her comebacks and she flaunted it. A perfectly chaotic match, as Kelce put it.

As soon as Topper spotted his two best friends in the crowd, he turned to his mother to let her know where he would be.

"What about you?" the woman turned to her daughter, "Are you going with your brother or are you going to stay alone in a corner with that face and embarrass me all night?"

The girl didn't even bother answering, the roll of her eyes being enough as she followed her brother towards his friends. Her hard expression softened when her eyes landed on the tall blue eyed boy, who winked at her.

"Why good evening fellas!" Kelce greeted them playfully. The boys did their handshakes while the Thornton girl stood back, lowkey admiring Rafe in his suit.

Kelce started a conversation with Topper and the Cameron boy took advantage of their distraction to properly greet (Y/N).

"Good evening, brat."

"Good evening, douche." she smiled cheekily.

"You cleaned up nice."

She rolled her eyes at the small talk but played along.

"You too, Cameron, I could've mistaken you for a decent man in this suit."

He scoffed.

"I see you didn't leave your humor at home." he said, winking at her, before joining his friends on whatever topic their friends were talking about.

Her plan was to hang out with her brother and his friends for a bit, mainly Rafe, but he seemed busy discussing something about golf and she really wasn't in the mood for it, so, as soon as she spotted Sarah, she excused herself and went to meet her friend.

The girls greeted each other with an excited hug. They spent some time catching up and just chatting, eventually getting joined by Wheezie after she heard them playfully judge the other guests. That girl was always down for some gossiping.

"I'm gonna go get a drink, you girls want anything?" (Y/N) asked them after a good half an hour of pointless but fun conversation with the Cameron girls.

"I'm good, thanks (Y/N)!" Sarah answered.

"I could use a drink."

"Wheezie, you're too young to drink!" Sarah complained.

"Says who?"

"Uh, everybody?" (Y/N) said, chuckling at her adult-wannabe attitude, "I'll be right back."

She headed inside to grab herself a drink, not bothering to look for the waiters distributing them. As she made her way there, she was able to make out Rafe's broad figure in his suit near the bar area, along with her brother, Kelce and a girl she had never seen before, but that she quickly despised just by the way she was undressing Rafe with her eyes. She felt stupid for being jealous, but it wasn't something she could control anyway.

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