When he pushed her away and when she pulled him back (part I) | JJ

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The girl wiping the wooden table in the middle of the living room tried not to move her curious glances to JJ's arms as he tried to open the jar of pickles, his defined muscles always trying to unwittingly catch her eye, especially when he wore those sleeveless shirts. John B stood beside him calculating a way to get the damn lid off after he had passed the jar to his friend.

"How the fuck do they close this damn thing so tightly and expect people to just open it without pulling a fucking muscle?" the blonde complained, gritting his teeth and trying not to show how much effort he was putting into opening the jar.

"You guys need help?" the girl finally asked, amused at the boy's antics.

"We're good, we're good." John B reassured as he reached for the jar to try again himself.

She put the rug down and made her way to where the boys stood, her presence going unnoticed by how entertained they were with the glass container.

"Maybe we're supposed to twist it the other way?" JJ suggested.

"No, we're not."

"How would you know? It's not like that shit has budged even a bit."

"Guys..." she tried to call them.

"Every lid twists this way, why would this be different?" John B fought back, having the jar snitched from his hands.


"I don't know man, no one understands this new weird ass technology."

"It's not technology!"

"Oh for fucks sake." the girl pushed her way in between them and grabbed the jar from JJ. The blonde was about to complain, but as both boys watched, confused, as she turned the jar upside down, gave a few hard taps on the bottom, turned it back around and easily twisted the lip and got it opened, his words were lost in the process of what he just witnessed.

"Save some pickles for me, alright?" she gave JJ the jar back, who still had his eyes on it, perplexed it was actually opened. And by her. "You're welcome, by the way."

"Wow. I feel dumb." John B commented.

She laughed and went back to cleaning the table, oblivious to the blue eyes following her figure. The simple act of effortlessly opening the pickle jar had made him admire her in a different way.

"That was strangely hot." he mumbled only for the freckled Pogue to hear but he simply rolled his eyes in response, annoyed, but already kinda used to, at his constant rambling on the girl's appearance.


After a day filled with work, all the five Pogues wanted to do was relax and enjoy each other's company. The light, warm Summer breeze, the moonlight, the smell of salt water and weed and the sound of crickets and Kiara's gentle ukulele strings were the perfect recipe. JJ's favorite sound though, was (Y/N)'s soft voice singing along with the instrument, his full attention on her, admiring her features highlighted by the blueish light from the moon and a few strands of her hair dancing with the breeze. Her smile and occasional laughs for messing up the lyrics were contagious and the boy felt lucky for even having the chance of witnessing such effortless beauty with his own eyes. He also felt scared for feeling like that when looking at his best friend, not sure when or how or even why he started to feel like that. Well, he knew the why, what kind of lunatic wouldn't like her? But she was his best friend, and although some people around the island would even consider JJ a lunatic, he was having a hard time accepting the new feelings towards the girl, and she was making it even harder by looking like that.

"No, wait, dammit play it again!"


The girls' banter brought JJ back to reality and he took a look around him to make sure he was, in fact, not alone with her.

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