Sneaking Out | JJ

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Another year, another Midsummers. No matter how many years passed, how many Kooks she had to serve while wearing the fakest of smiles, it never got easier. The sophisticated wannabes remained the same snobby bitches, if not worse, and for more she told herself this is the last year I'm putting up this, the need for money was always bigger than the frustration. And a job at Midsummers was good money. One of the very few things that made serving drinks for Kooks tolerable, aside from the income, was the opportunity of working alongside her friends. Pope was usually in the grill with his dad, and (y/n) would take every break to hang out with him, until duty called again. Another thing was JJ, the subject of her thoughts lately.

They had a special friendship, or an experimental romantic relationship if you will. What started as playful flirting ended up not being so playful after all, and their late night talks would lead to deeper conversations about their futures, seeing each other in them. When they shared their first kiss, although a drunken one, they couldn't get enough of it, and so, every chance they got, they would kiss some more, hoping to not get caught, even though they were never very careful about it.

That night, the blonde Pogue was more focused on keeping his eye on (y/n) than in the drinks he was supposed to serve around, the need of having her lips against his making it hard for him to think of anything else.

"How's it going, Maybank?" she asked, standing beside him at the bar getting her share of orders, glad he was there at the same time.



The bartender gave JJ the drinks, signaling he was good to go.

"We should get out of here." he said, picking up the tray.


"I'm serious. Look at them." he made a gesture with his arm towards the people outside, "They'll all be drunk in no time, they won't notice the waiters are gone."

"They will when they start to sober up from the lack of drinks."

"And by the time that happens we'll be far away." he winked and started making his way through the glass doors, "Think about it." he shouted before fully turning his body away from her.

The girl shook her head in amusement. Was the idea that crazy? Yes, it totally was, but JJ was right. Plus, there was only one hour left until people had to start leaving, so it sure wouldn't be a big deal. She picked her tray up with what she decided would be the last drinks she would be serving that night and hoped it wouldn't take long to cross paths with JJ.


Dodging dancing bodies, (y/n) was doing the last round before she went to look for JJ. She went inside into the staff's room, hoping the boy would have the same idea and meet her there which, for her satisfaction, the familiar knock against the door announced his presence. The door opened enough for his head to pop inside the room, a cheeky smile held on his lips.

"You ready, ma'lady?"

"Yes, my good sir."

"Alright, I checked the back door, security's no longer there, so our getaway is safe."

"You're really taking this seriously, aren't you?"

"There's no other way to take it." he winked at her and, grabbing her hand, led her to the back door.

As they left the building, a voice shouted for the two Pogues. A security guard.



Still holding her hand, this time tighter, they took off running into the road, no destiny in mind, laughter covering the sound of their fast steps. When they felt like they had run long enough, JJ came to a stop along with (y/n) and both catched their breaths before erupting in laughter again.

"Oh God, that was crazy!" (y/n) exclaimed, throwing her head back while laughing.

JJ mimicked her movement while making his way towards her.

"It was awesome." he agreed and, for her surprise, he pulled her into a hug, his arms circling her waist in a firm embrace, "I missed you."

"I'm right here, dumbass." she reciprocated the hug, her arms around his neck with a hand gently running through his slightly sweaty hair.

"I know." he pulled away a bit so he could look at her, "I mean, I missed this. Just us."

She smiled, knowing exactly what he was talking about. It had been a while since they had a moment just for themselves seeing how they were always with the other Pogues around.

"Well," she caressed the back of his neck, pulling him closer, "it's just us now."

They wasted no time to do what they've been craving for all night: their lips glued together. The adrenaline from running started to die down, leaving space for the passion of the kiss to grow and resulting in hands getting more eager to touch and tongues to fight one another's.

"We're close to the chateau, should we head there?" JJ asked in between kisses that trailed down from her jaw to her neck.

"Lead the way."

They shared one last kiss before taking off running again, the adrenaline taking over again, this time for a different reason.

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