Hat Snatched

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Shuichis pov

I was walking around with keade when miu suddenly snatched my hat away.

"ha! I knew you were a weirdo. Now you have to show your disgusting pervy face" she sneered.

I looked around in fear. There all staring at me. No no please stop staring. Please make it stop please please...

"please stop staring at me" I said bursting into tears.

"eh? What the fuck was that-"


Miu held her cheek in shock. Keade just smacked her!

"give shuichis hat back now" keade demanded.

"no fuck you!" miu said with tears in her eyes.


I got frightened by the yelled and ran away to hide in an empty classroom. I curled up into a ball crying. I didn't like this place at all. I wanted to go home.

"shuichi there you are" I looked up to see keade worried face.

"kewade" I said struggling to say her name.

Keade tilted her head in confusion "shuichi are you a little" she asked.

"mmhmm" I said wiping my tears away.

"I see" she said pulling me into a hug "you must be so scared in a place like this. You poor baby"

I nodded whimpering slightly.

"shhh it's ok honey" she said stroking my hair "your safe honey I promise. Now can you tell me why you got so upset over miu taking your hat?"

I whined nervously. I didn't like talking about the bad past.

"it's ok shuichis you can trust me" she said reassuringly.

I took a deep breath. She right I can trust her "a long time ago I solved my first mwestary. I was super happy until I fwond out that the bad man had a good rweson to kill the other man. Eweryone glared at me as he got awwested. I didn't like the staring" I burst into tears again and keade rocked me back and forth gently.

"good boy shuichi it was very brave for you to tell me that. I promise everything will be ok now." I nodded as I hugged her closer. I like keade. She's very nice to me.

As me and keade left the room we ran into kiibo. For some reason his eyes don't really scare me. Maybe it's cause he's a robot.

He handed me my hat "here you are shuichi I got you back your hat and I made sure that miu gives you a proper apology"

I got really excited and hugged kiibo.

Kiibo let out a yelp and slowly hugged me back "umm your welcome shuichi" he muttered before running away.

"maybe you should avoid hugging kiibo shuichi he doesn't seem to know how to handle it" keade giggled.

I watched kiibo run away with a smile. I like kiibo. I like him almost as much as I like keade.

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