One Final Trail

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Shuichis pov

"and the mastermind is... You Tsmugi!" I yelled pointing at the cosplayer. All the evidence points to her. There isn't anyone else.

She simply laughed and transformed into junko. She explained to us that we brought ourselves into this mess. That we auditioned to be on this show and that it's being watched by millions of people right now! After dropping that bomb she walked to her execution.

We watched as the mastermind behind everything was executed. Kiibo reached out and took my hand. I smiled greatfully at him.

So many people died in this game of life or death. The only survivors where me, Kiibo, kokichi, himiko, kaito and maki. We were all miserable after losing so much but thankfully kaito was there to raise our spirits.

"come on guys we've finally escaped! Let's cheer up a little. I sure the people we lost wouldn't want us to be all gloomy"

We nodded and forced a smile on our faces. We left that god forsaken school and walked to the eage of the cliff where we could see a city. We were this close to civilisation this whole time!

Kiibo wrapped an arm around my waist "we're safe now shuichi and better yet we're going home!"

"yeah" I said hugging him. I never would have got this far without his support. I owe everything to him.

"right everyone" Kokichis voice cut me out of my thoughts "let's go home!"

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now