Big Brother Kaito

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Shuichis pov

I was sitting in my room cuddling teddy nervously. Why did kaito punch me? And where is big sis keade? I want her back. I really really want her back!

I heard a loud knock on the door. I opened it to see kaito. I let out a frightened yelp and tried to shut the door but kaito put his foot in the way.

"look little buddy I'm sorry I punched you. After everything that happened I was feeling frustrated but I shouldn't have taken it out on you. Hey is that a teddy bear?" he asked pointing to Teddy.

I nodded shyly.

"oh that's cool. I still have a toy rocket at my place"

"rwealy? That's cool"

"it is cool!" kaito grinned "wanna take a walk with me? The stars are beautiful tonight"

I nodded and took his hand as we walked outside.

"you sure are acting strange shuichi. Your usually not this childish" kaito muttered.

"I can't welp it. I'm sworry" I whimpered.

"hey don't sweat it man. If you can't help it then it's no big deal" kaito said reassuringly. He sat down on the grass "this is the perfect place to stargaze. Wanna join me?"

I nodded and sat on his knee happily. I liked kaito. He was like a cool big brother.

I hope he doesn't go away too.

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now