Waking Up With Shuichi

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Kiibos pov

I woke up with shuichi arms wrapped around my waist. I immediately went red. I remembered what happened last night. Shuichis a little and I took him in last night to take care of him. I never imagined however I'd wake up in this position.

"shuichi wake up" I said poking the boys cheek.

"mmm five more minutes" he muttered.

"no! Please get up right now" I said shaking him.

He finally woke up and turned bright red.

"ahh kiibo I'm sorry" he muttered looking a little confused

"it's ok shuichi" I said gently.

"could you tell me what happened last night?" he asked shyly

"oh you don't remember" I tilted his head in confusion.

"sorry I don't remember much when I regress" he said looking embarrassed.

"it's alright" I said petting his head reassuringly. "you simply regressed outside and I took you inside my dorm. I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable"

"no I'm grateful for your kindness" he smiled cutely.

"Well we should probably get to the dining hall. The others will worry about us if we're late" plus I can't imagine what perverted fantasys miu would think up for us!

"ah right!" shuichi sat up, got dressed and waited at the door for me.

We walked to the dining hall together.

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now